Here are some of his accomplishments over the past month:
1. He has started laughing! It is the cutest sound in the world. We love to sit on the floor and make funny faces and sounds at him to get him to laugh. It doesn't take much to get him going.
2. He is sleeping through the night! Yay! His first night to sleep all the way through was on Mother's Day. That was at around 9 or 10 weeks. He had a couple of bad nights that week after that, but has been sleeping great ever since! We used to put him down around 9 or 9:30 and he would sleep to around 6 or so, but now we put him down around 8:30 and he will sleep until around 7 or sometimes even 8!
3. He talks all the time! I guess you are supposed to call it "cooing", but whatever it is, it is loud and he loves to do it! I feel like we have real conversations sometimes! The other day Hudson was playing on his play mat and Joel and I were watching something on tv, and we ended up just turning off the tv because we couldn't hear anything...Hudson was talking up a storm! We just had to get on the floor and play with him. So fun!
4. He is reaching out to touch things now. If you put a toy or a stuffed animal in front of him, he will reach out and touch it. He's not really grabbing anything yet, but he is definitely starting to check things out a little more. I'm so excited about this.
5. He is holding his head up great! We still have some bobble head moments, but for the most part, he can hold it up very well!
6. He rolled over on the bed the other day. Sometimes if he gets up early, Joel and I will just put him in the bed with us and he will go back to sleep (don't judge the putting him into our bed...I swore I would never do this, but you will do anything just to get some more sleep!). When we do this, for some reason he really likes to bury his head on the pillow, face down. I know...this isn't the most safe thing, but it's what he likes and we're right there listening to him breathing! Anyway, I had him on his back the other morning and he rolled over so that he could be face down. He hasn't done it on the floor yet...we're still working on that!
7. He smiles when Daddy gets home! It is so sweet and it makes Joel's day! I hope he smiles at me when I pick him up at daycare tomorrow!
I'm sure there are some things that I am missing, but that is all I can think of. He is wearing 6 month clothes now...so much for all those cute outfits I got him before he was born! Haha, the next baby will have some brand new clothes to wear when the time comes (not anytime soon by the way!). He has outgrown them all! He still loves to eat. He is eating around 5.5 to 6 ounces every 3 hours. We are lucky if we make it 3 hours!
We had his 3 month pictures done this morning. I will post pictures from the session as soon as I get them. I'm really excited about them. I had to wake Hudson up at 7:30 this morning to get ready...I was hoping he would wake up on his own because I knew he would be in a better mood, but he didn't. Then, the minute the photographer gets here this morning, he spits up about 10 ounces of milk! I was so embarassed. It was one of those spit ups that came out the nose...really bad! It was in his hair, down his back, all over the couch...everywhere. So, once we got that cleaned up, he was good to go. He lasted about 30 minutes before he got fussy again and wanted to take a nap. I felt bad because I wanted to do the pictures in the morning since that is always his happiest time. He was not happy this morning! Anyway, she got some cute pictures of him sleeping too, and thank goodness, she was so very understanding about his fussiness! I think they will turn out great despite his mood! There's definitely one thing I've learned about having a baby and that is that you have no control over anything and you can't get upset about it if things don't turn out the way you want them to!
Well, it's time to go start labeling all his clothes for daycare tomorrow. I'm soooo sad. I told Joel last night that I wasn't sure about this whole going back to work thing. He kept telling me that Hudson will be in great hands, but that is not what I'm worried about. I know he will be fine...I'm just going to miss my little buddy so much!
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