Hudson is SEVEN today!!! How did that happen?!?! We have celebrated BIG the past few days. He decided this year for his birthday that he wanted a few friends to come over and go play laser tag and then have dinner and cake. Well then it turned into he wanted them all to spend the night and I just couldn't tell him no. He has me wrapped around his finger. What's one night, right?!?! Famous last words... :)
We had a busy day on Saturday. I cleaned and party prepped in the morning, then Harrison had t-ball practice, we grabbed a quick lunch, then headed back to the ballpark as Hudson had a baseball scrimmage. We didn't even make it inside our house after the scrimmage before the boys started arriving for the party! No rest for the weary! Hudson was SO excited, and we were too! He had all of his favorite friends in one place! Thankfully the weather was beautiful and the first hour was spent outside (and out of my house! ha!).
Joel and I took the boys to play laser tag. None of them had played before so we really weren't sure how it would go, but give some boys a gun and tell them to run and shoot at each other and you've got some really happy boys! It doesn't take much! They played a couple of rounds and it did not take long at all for them to catch on. They loved it!
This was my favorite picture. I love the game faces!
Then we came home and made the boys play outside in the dark for a while (still trying to keep them out of the house!) and then they all came in and it.was.insane. They ran and yelled and tackled and wrestled and literally got out every toy we own! Oh, and words cannot even explain the amount of potty humor! I remember asking Joel at one point if this was what boys did and he said yes! :) The pizza finally arrived so we at least got them to sit still for a few minutes so they could eat and we could sing to the birthday boy!
We let the boys play for a little while longer after dinner and then it was movie time! I really didn't think they would sit still, but they did! We watched Pan and they all seemed to enjoy it!
After the movie, I thought, well they are all exhausted so they will go right to bed. WRONG! It really was so funny. They were like a bunch of giddy school girls! It was around midnight before all was quiet. I could not believe they stayed up that late!
The next morning at 6 am they were ready to go! Joel and I were NOT ready to go! Ha! We made it until 7:30 before we basically threw them outside! Joel and I took our eyes off of them for 5 minutes (we were rotating getting ready for church) and I caught them ringing the neighbors doorbell! They said they had already hit 5 houses! They were ringing and running! I could not believe it.
I'm patting myself on the back for the below picture. Hudson and 2 of the other boys were singing in the 11 am service at church. I had planned on skipping church, but Hudson and the others really wanted to go sing so I just had them all pack their church clothes and told all the moms we would just take them.I don't know about anyone else, but the hour before church at our house is usually mass chaos and usually by the time we get to church we need to really be there. :) We actually made it to Sunday school at 9:45! You can get a lot done when you are up at 6 am! Ha! They all looked so handsome!!!

We survived! It really was fun and Hudson had the time of his life. It was one of the least stressful parties we've ever had so that was nice! The boys all got along so well and no one cried or got homesick or anything! Besides the potty humor, everyone really was on their best behavior! I can't believe I am saying this, but yes, I would do it again to see this boy so happy! Harrison is already talking about his spend the night party when he turns 5! Ha!
Today is Hudson's actual birthday! We started the morning with birthday french toast sticks. Nothing fancy around here on school mornings, especially when mama is driving carpool. :)
Hudson has been wanting one of these tshirts for a while now. We were dying watching him in action...
I took him lunch and cupcakes for his class at lunchtime. He was loving being the birthday boy! The crown apparently stayed on all day!
We opened presents tonight and then headed to Johnny Rocket's! It is the boys' favorite birthday restaurant. I think we've been there for every one of the boys birthdays the past few years. They love it when the whole restaurant sings to them!
Such a boy book...
The darts were a HUGE hit!
We have celebrated SEVEN! Happy Birthday to our sweet, never met a stranger, lego loving, ALWAYS HAPPY first born!