Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day weekend! Joel and I headed up to Mentone on Friday. We had a wonderful dinner Friday night at the Mentone Springs Hotel, and then Joel headed down to Auburn Saturday morning for the big game. I was a little sad that I was missing the first game, but I have a VERY good reason to stay home this year! I stayed in Mentone and hung out with my parents on Saturday. Below is a picture of my dad and his mini-me at the art show in Mentone this weekend! Believe it or not, this was the only picture I took this weekend. Hudson was decked out in his Auburn gear. It was a little chilly up there, so I had to scratch the cute smocked outfit for the warm up suit. He still looked cute though! The smocked outfit may have been a bit much for Mentone too! Ha!

Auburn had a big win Saturday night! It was such a nice surprise to see Auburn actually play well! It was very exciting...and I think we may have found a new running back to boot! Yay! We tried to stay up to watch the end of the Alabama game, but we were exhausted and it looked like Alabama had it wrapped up. Sadly, we are going to have to listen to the Tide fans gloat for another few weeks--that was our only hope for a loss for the next few weeks! I just can't make myself root for Alabama. It is a problem, but I know they probably feel the same way about Auburn!

Sunday, I drove down to Weiss Lake to meet up with Joel and his family for a day at the lake. It was a lot of fun. There were a lot of people there and I think Hudson had had enough of people he didn't know getting in his face...we had to leave right after dinner because he was about to have a major meltdown. Poor thing. He did so well all weekend though so we couldn't complain. He is so adaptable thank goodness! Joel and I drove back up to Mentone for the night and then came back to Birmingham today. I'm sad that the long weekend is over. It was so much fun being with my little family!

Allyson, my good friend from college who lives in Texas is coming to visit this week. Joel is going out of town tomorrow through Thursday so I'm thankful that this is the week she is coming so that she can keep me company while Joel isn't here. She will be staying with us for part of the time and we gave her our Auburn tickets for this weekend since we will be stuck at home (more on that later!). Anyway, I can't wait to see her and can't wait for Hudson to meet her!

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