Sunday, June 26, 2011

Good Weekend

We had a good weekend in town. Friday, the heat was actually bearable, so Hudson and I went to the zoo. We went ALL over that place and were exhausted by the end of it! I was glad to be doing something outside with Hudson without sweating to death!

First up, the tiger and the lions--Hudson's pick. The tiger put on a show for us. He just kept going back and forth in front of the window. Hudson kept growling at him. Little does he know tht tiger could eat him with one gulp!

We saw the giraffes, which Hudson later told Joel that he was scared of the giraffes. Really?!?!? That tiger was way scarier! And, we heard the lion roar too, and that was pretty scary as well. But, the giraffes??? Who knows!

We saw the elephants on the second go around (they weren't out the first time, which made me mad so it was a good thing they were out the second time!) and headed for a much needed train ride. I have a funny story about the train ride. The conductor had everyone who was for Alabama say "Roll Tide" and it was pretty loud. Then, he said all the Auburn fans say, "War Eagle." Well, I wasn't about to be the only one to yell a War Eagle just in case there weren't any other Auburn folks on the train, so I stayed silent. Well, my 2 year old yelled it and was the only one to do it! It was so funny! We got a lot of looks and Hudson was so proud of himself! He's ready for football season!

We also had a ball in the splash pad! Well, Hudson had a ball. I enjoyed my time in the shade just watching him! I would love one of these things in my back yard!

We did the splash pad first and then he decided he was ready for the carousel. I thought I might get out of there without doing the carousel, but not this time! The tiger was already taken, so he settled for the zebra.

And then we fed the goats (even though there was a sign saying please do not feed the goats!). Oh well.

We finished up just in time to meet Joel and his parents for lunch, and then both took a great nap.

Hudson has a book about Aubie that he LOVES for us to read to him. It is about Aubie's trip around the state of Alabama and he sees ALL of the touristy spots around the state. The book is incredibly long and Hudson sits through the whole thing every time. It is neither of Joel or my's favorite choice to read because it is so long (we have learned to skip some parts!), but what can you do. The kid loves Aubie. One of Aubie's destinations is Vulcan and Joel has been promising to take Hudson there, and believe me, Hudson won't let him forget it! So yesterday, we were out and about doing errands and we were close to Vulcan so we took him there. I didn't really want to pay to go up there because I didn't think Hudson would like it (after a previous experience taking my niece there when she was about 3--she's still talking about that scary statue and she's 8 now!), but Joel insisted so we did it. And, it was FUN! He loved it! I was shocked. He is still talking about going way up high in the statue! I didn't have my good camera since we went on a whim, so these were all taken with my blackberry.

I'm not really a fan of being able to see through the metal grating that you have to stand on, not to mention it's a little shaky!

I'm telling you, he was NOT afraid in the least! Our own Michael Jackson routine...ha! We sent the below picture to my mom because I knew it would freak her out, and it did! Don't worry, Joel has a VERY firm grip on him, but he was all about sticking his head over the railing--scary!!!

After a yummy lunch at La Paz, it was nap time and then I headed to not one, but TWO parties Saturday night. All of our babysitters were out of town, so Joel stayed home with Hudson while I made the rounds. The first party was an Around the House shower for my cousin who is getting married in August, and then I headed to a baby shower for some dear friends of ours. Both parties were so much fun and I hated that Joel had to miss them, but I was glad I got to go! It was a busy night for sure though and I was exhausted by the end of it! I took no pictures unfortunately!

Today, we headed to church, then tried to conquer some things off the mile long "honey-do" list (I'm obviously starting to nest!), and then took dinner to our neighbor whose husband just had major heart surgery and almost didn't survive...but he did and they are doing great! It was a good day and I felt like we got a lot done, even though we've only crossed through 2 things on the list of things that keeps growing and growing! Hudson was so well behaved and good this weekend (believe me, this is definitely not always the case--phew, last weekend was a doozy!!). It was just a very enjoyable weekend for everyone and I hate to see it end. But, I'm excited about a couple of short and fun weeks and weekends ahead so we have a lot to look forward to!

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