Hudson LOVES to sing. His current obsession is Mawy Had a Wittle Wamb, and he says it just like that. It is SO funny! Joel has tried so many times to get him to say the "L" syllable and it makes me mad when he tries because it is just too darn cute to correct (and I don't like anyone making fun of my child, even if it is his daddy!). He sings the whole song over and over and over again. Other favorites are the ABC song (which I have on video--I just need to find a time to upload it), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Rock a Bye Baby. He is also a pro at the Hokey Pokey (the Hokey Dokey as he calls it), and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. I love hearing his little voice sing!
After books every night, we say the "Now I lay me down to sleep..." prayer. Hudson knows the whole thing and it is so sweet. There are some nights when he reminds ME that we need to say it.
He loves to count how many things there are, or at least try. He has a hard time stopping at the number (like if there are 2 of them, he will keep going all the way to 10), but he is learning every day! He's just very interested in it and always asks us how many of something there are. We're even working on counting to 20!
The other day, we were in a store waiting to check out and Hudson got the attention of these two older ladies. We went over that his name was Hudson and that he was 2. He was pretty shy about it all, but all of a sudden, Hudson says, "Mommy, I want a quesadilla." You should have seen the look on their faces. They were in shock at what a big word that was for his age! If they only knew that he also knows what a skid steer is (do you know what one is???) and points out excavators on a daily basis! He's got quite the vocabulary!
He loves to "change diapers" on his stuffed animals. I hope this comes in handy in a few months! Ha! He will say, "Ooooh stinky diaper, yucky" when he "changes them."
Hudson loves to watch movies right now. His favorite is Toy Story, followed closely by Bambi (which is really sad by the way!). Good thing he doesn't really understand why the Mommy goes away! I also got him a fire truck video and a garbage truck video, which he's obsessed with. He loves to snuggle with us and it's just a fun thing that we do before bedtime a lot of nights to wind down.
He's pretty smart for a 2 year old. One night, we were trying desparately to get him to eat something at dinner, and all he kept asking for was a cookie. So, we said if he ate some chicken, he could have a cookie. He quickly ate one bite and said, "Now can I have a cookie?" It was so cute, but I was so mad at the same time! He should not be understanding these things yet, even though we set ourselves up for him to do that!
On another food note, we started giving Hudson a Flintstone vitamin a few months ago. He loves them, calls them his "pill" and makes sure that we give him one every morning with breakfast! He makes sure I'm taking my pill too! It's good to have someone hold me accountable, even if it is a 2 year old!
I should also mention some of the not-so-fun things that Hudson is doing these days. He's been a handful lately. I apparently have a child that is picky about what HE wears. Isn't this a girl thing?!?!? Anyway, he has totally gotten over all the cutesy outfits that I have bought for him, and it's killing me. All he wants to wear is a shirt "with a horse on it," i.e. a Polo brand shirt (yes, he's a brand name snob!). He battles me just about every day about it. I just hate for him to wear Polo's every day because I know that is what he's going to wear for the next 50 years! I love the jon jon's and the cute applique shirts, and all the smocked outfits, and he wants nothing to do with them! I think Joel is secretly turning him to the dark side and I don't know it! Good thing I've got another baby coming that I can dress up! Until then, I'm still fighting the battle. I'm not giving up just yet!
Also, I have to mention one fit he threw a couple of weeks ago at school. From time to time, he thinks that his Migi is picking him up from school. She does pick him up a good bit, but no more than once a week, if that. He LOVES when she picks him up, and there are a lot of days when he is upset that it is me and not her (I'm ok with that--I'm thankful that he loves his grandmothers!). On one particular day, he apparently had all of his teachers fooled that Migi was coming to get him that day and they talked and talked about it all afternoon. You can imagine the reaction I got when I showed up at his room, ready to take him home for the day! It was terrible! He just threw himself down and said, "I want MY Migi" over and over again. I could not get him to leave. Finally, I just told him that we would call her in the car and stop by her house on the way home, and he was more than willing to leave at that point. Thankfully, she was home and we got a good visit in with her. It was really bad though!
He's very into saying "my" everything. I know that's just the age, but he's possessive about everything, especially when things are not clearly his! He's also started saying "I" instead of talking in third person all the time. For some reason, the talking in third person was a whole lot less demanding than the "I" form of communication!
He still has no interest in the potty. I'm not worried about it. I know it will come when he's ready. We don't push it, but we try to talk about it a lot. He tells me about all the kids at school that go on the potty, but when I ask him if he wants to, he always says no. He will sit in a wet or dirty diaper for HOURS and he doesn't care!
I will end this with one funny from last week. We went to Target after school and I told Hudson that he could get a toy (which, by the way, big mistake--we can't go anywhere now without Hudson thinking he can get a toy). Anyway, so like I said before, one of his favorite movies right now is Toy Story. We walked down an aisle and there was a stuffed Woody toy. I, not thinking one bit about what I was saying, said, "Look Hudson, there's a BIG Woody!" Which, he proceeded in yelling in his excited voice, "BIG WOODY" in the aisle. There were some people nearby that were cracking up, and only then did I realize what I had just said. Not only do kids say funny things, they make us say funny things too!
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