Our day started with a little anxiety, a little bit of nerves, and one cute pair of overalls courtesy of uncle Jordan!

We were so excited about the big game against rival Alabama, but soon found out we had good reason to be nervous! A 24-0 start and things were not looking so good for our undefeated Auburn Tigers! I saw a weekend of depression looming for my poor husband. After the first quarter, Joel and I had to separate and watch the game in different rooms. He is so negative, but I never lost faith in our come from behind team!
Meanwhile, Hudson woke up a happy camper from a 3 hour afternoon nap just in time to see the second half (good thing he was happy because no one else was!).....

There was a lot of yelling at the tv, jumping up and down, high fives all around, even some cussing (and yes, Hudson got in on that action too--oh well, it slips sometimes and I won't mention who the culprit was...she knows who she is!). In the end, we came out on TOP!!! 28-27!!! Our undefeated season continues...

This guy is pumped and so are we!!!

Good thing because Joel and I have our hats ready for the SEC championship in Atlanta next weekend!

WAR EAGLE!!! What a comeback!
It really was a great game!! We'll be there next w/e too & we have already bought tickets & flights to Glendale even though we can move the flights if we need to to whatever bowl game we'll be in. :) Can't wait!! WDE!!!