Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tube Consult and an Almost Walker

We had Hudson's tube consultation this morning. I took Hudson by myself since Joel had to work and can I just say, I hate doctor's offices! It is so stressful with an almost one year old who is in dire need of a morning nap! Hudson threw several arch the back fits in our little room. We call those Whitt Fits and they have just started within the past couple of weeks. It was quite embarassing. He wanted to crawl all over the floor and I wouldn't let him, but finally I just gave in and let him get all dirty. He still wanted to pull all the cords and open all the cabinets, so it was a constant battle. Why do they make you wait SO long?!?! Anyway, back to the appointment. The nurse practitioner came in and it was one of my pledge sisters from Auburn! I was so happy to see a face I knew and it was good catching up with her. After she left, we waited another 30 minutes for the doctor to come in and tell us that Hudson had lots of fluid in his ears and needed tubes, and was almost positive that was the reason for why we are not sleeping very good. He gave me the quick run down of the procedure and what we can and can't do, and then told me that the scheduling person would be right in. Well, about 30 minutes after that, she finally comes in and we scheduled the procedure for March 5th. From there, we had to go wait in another waiting room for a hearing test. Hudson had had enough by that point and the poor audiologist couldn't get him to do very much, but said that his hearing was normal. I could have told her that, but oh well. So, after 2 plus hours of a fussy baby, and maybe 10 minutes total with the nurses/doctor/audiologist, we have a date set for tubes. I'm obviously dreading the anesthesia, but I'm hoping that we will have a WELL baby after this! On a side note, we think he may have pink eye tonight so we'll see what tomorrow brings. I am seeing another trip to the doctor in our near future!

When I dropped Hudson off at daycare today, I was filling out his sheet and all of a sudden, his teacher told me to look at him. I looked at him and there he was, standing all by himself not holding onto anything, for a good 30-45 seconds. His teacher tried to get him to walk to her, but he just got down an crawled to her. This was the longest by far that he has stood by himself. I was such a proud mommy!

We had another proud mommy and daddy moment this week. Hudson has never been interested in actually walking behind his push toys. He really couldn't do it yet, but the other night, he got the courage up and started doing it and had so much fun! He was SO excited! I just had to post a little video of him walking behind his train. He is just about the cutest thing in the world! Please excuse the giddy voice that I have. This was literally the FIRST time he did this and I was so excited. Usually, I video things after he has done them for a while so I'm a little more tame, but this time was an exception! It's the little things that make us happy!

We are making progress towards walking!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mindy - I know this is random (since I'm outing myself as a rando blog reader) but my husband went to high school with you and we have a mutual friend - Lindsey McCurdy, and she sent me your blog because Hudson and my little girl, Mary Lynne, are literally like a week apart. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Mary Lynne got tubes in December and it was WAY easy! Don't be afraid, it's going to change your life :)

    My blog is private, but you are more than welcome to read if you want to...just email and I can add you.
