Thursday, February 11, 2010

Birthday Stress

Well, two weeks from Monday and this boy will be one. I thought that having a baby in the middle of busy season was the perfect time (not that we had any control over when I got pregnant, but still, no one expected me to work 60 hour weeks and I got out of half of it!). And actually, it was perfect...last year. This year, I don't have any excuses, and although I'm part-time, I'm still a full-time mom the rest of the time! There's not much free time around here! Planning this little boy's first birthday party has been quite stressful on top of everything else! All I want is for it to be perfect, and so far, it hasn't worked out the way I wanted it to.

On a side note, doesn't he look like such a grown up boy in this picture!?!?

Anyway, the party was supposed to be on Sunday, February 28th. We are just doing a small party with family and close friends. I ordered the invitations 3 weeks ago thinking I would get them a week later and then have some time to get them out. Well, I received the invitations on Tuesday of this week. I thought, well, it's a little late to get them out, but it's just a birthday party and it really doesn't matter that much. Well, I take a look at the invitations and they said Saturday, February 28th, instead of Sunday, February 28th. Shoot. I looked at my order and I told them the correct date, but when they sent the proof, they had goofed up and I didn't notice. I was too busy trying to get them to fix the pictures on the proof because they had cut Hudson's head off in all of them! Anyway, so I immediately emailed the company and they responded back within an hour and told me that it would cost $50 to overnight a new set, PLUS the invitations, but they would be willing to give them to me at cost. Well, that's an extra $70. Thanks, but no thanks.

I am embarassed to say that there were some tears shed. Joel thinks I'm nuts. He just wanted to send out the invitations and put a note in there that said the correct day. Umm, no. I'm not doing that. I think all the stress from work and home got to me and all I wanted was Hudson's party to be just perfect and I felt like I was ruining it for him (like he would ever know!). Oh well...I ended up ordering new invitations from another place and changed the date to March 7th so I have another week and the problem was solved, although I was out some more money, but I don't really care at this point! I got his outfit this week so the next thing on the list is to tackle decorations and the ever so important cake! Oh and we went to Toys R Us last weekend to get one of Hudson's presents and of course, they didn't have what we wanted. Does anyone else hate that place as much as I do? I just keep telling myself that everything will work out and I don't need to stress about this because Hudson is not going to have a clue as to what is going on! I guess maybe this is all really for me and not so much for Hudson!

On a happier note, I went to Hudson's Valentine's Day party at daycare today and it was so fun. We have really been blessed that Hudson only has 4 kids in his class. He gets a lot of one on one attention. It was fun to watch him interact with the other kids in his class and I got to chat with some of the other moms, who, by the way are all boy moms and we mostly talked about the fact that there are NO cute boy clothes out there. You go into all these stores and they have the cutest little girl clothes, and the boy clothes have Sponge Bob splattered all across them. No offense to anyone who likes Sponge Bob, but it's not really my cup of tea. I don't want to spend much on his daycare clothes because most days they paint and his eating is always messy so I don't like for his nice clothes to get ruined, but I still want him to look cute nonetheless! It was nice to know that I'm not the only one that has trouble finding cute daycare clothes! Maybe one day I'll get the hang of the embroidery machine and he can actually wear some of the shirts that I've done since it practically costs nothing to make. None have been "wearable" yet, but I'm definitely improving! I did one last night with the cutest little train applique and the needle broke on my last part of it and ruined it. I was oh so close.

So now that I have rambled on enough, below are some pictures of our little troublemaker!

He's into our tax records...not good.

He is trying to get to Daddy in this picture! It is amazing how quick they catch on to how you open doors. He can just about reach it!

Here's to hoping for snow tomorrow! I know I would like to see some this year. It seems like the rest of the country is getting more than they can handle and all we get is the cold! I would at least like to see something to show for all this cold!

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