Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Little Clapper!

Hudson has finally learned how to clap, and just in the nick of time for a sports weekend!

He has always loved patty cake so I knew it would only be a matter of time before he started doing it on his own. He is so proud of himself! That is probably because Joel and I go nuts when he does it, but hey, we are his crazy parents and he deserves all the attention he can get!

On Sunday, my parents took Hudson and I to Tuscaloosa to see the Auburn/Alabama women's basketball game. Since basketball was always such a big part of my life, I just had to go! Joel stayed home and worked on the never ending project in the man room (it is almost done though and it looks fabulous!). I was a little worried about taking Hudson since the game was at 2 and we went early so that we could have a good lunch beforehand. That meant no nap and I just knew he was going to be crankypants.
However, Hudson was so good! He always surprises me. We had a bunch of little girls sitting around us that squealed the whole game and whenever they would do it, Hudson squealed too. He just smiled and smiled the whole time and wanted to be standing up instead of us holding him, so we let him stand in front of us and he held onto the seat in front of us. He bounced and bounced and squealed and squealed and clapped and clapped and just had a grand ole time! We had a grand ole time watching him and the game too! I had to tell him to stop clapping when Alabama did something good, and also when they played that stupid fight song...Hudson just loved that. I was afraid I wouldn't get to see much of the actual game, but he was enjoying himself so much that it was no problem! When the second half started, he asked to get in my mom's lap, closed his sweet little eyes, and slept until the horn sounded at the end of the game! My mom was in heaven...I was in dad was jealous of my mom, but I was glad to get to spend some quality time with the both of them watching something that we love! Auburn lost, by the way, but it was exciting.
We drove back to Birmingham just in time to get little bud fed and off to a Super Bowl party. We had a great time hanging out with friends. I can't say that I watched much of the game or the commercials, but I've heard they weren't that great anyway! I am a Peyton Manning fan so I was for the Colts, but the Saints winning was good too. I was happy for them and for New Orleans...although I think the "who dat" thing is pretty silly and makes them sound not so smart. Hudson had a ball playing with a bunch of new toys at our friend's house and stayed up way past his bedtime! I couldn't believe he made it that long. Boy, was he pooped when we left though!

In other news, look what Hudson has learned to do.

UH OH! WE'RE IN TROUBLE! He can go up the stairs in no time, but coming down is a different story. Why are stairs so intriguing???

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