Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Text Message to God

We lost Papa John on Thanksgiving Day. It was a tough Thanksgiving to say the least, but also fitting that he decided to journey to heaven on a day where the entire extended family (around 50 people!) would be together, enjoying food and fellowship, and doing Papa John's most favorite thing in the world--telling stories. Papa John was usually the story teller, so of course we missed hearing the same ole stories told by him, but I think the stories that were told were a great tribute to him and he would be proud!
My favorite picture of Hudson and Papa John! Last Christmas I believe...
Ever since my Granddaddy died this past summer, Hudson has been very interested in death and heaven. LOTS and LOTS of questions about it. He really does understand way more than you think (and also throws in things like the angel came and got Granddaddy on a rocket ship and took him to heaven--who are we to argue with that!). So of course we filled him in on everything that was going on and on Wednesday night when we got to the lake, Joel went to go see Papa John and Hudson begged to go too. I had not really planned for him to go see him (I want him to remember the happy times!), but he had told me earlier that morning that he wanted to go see him to say goodbye so I wanted him to be able to do that if he wanted to. Unfortunately, Papa John was already asleep so he didn't actually get to say goodbye, but that was ok.

Hudson was talking to Migi later that night and he was telling her that he didn't want Papa John to go to heaven and Migi assured him that God was working out all the details and that it wasn't in our hands anymore, but that he would be ok. Hudson then told Migi that they needed to send a text message to God to send down an angel to come get Papa John and take him back to heaven. How sweet is that?!?! Hudson has such a big heart and he, along with all of us, are going to miss PJ dearly!

This was Papa John meeting Harrison for the first time!

Despite Papa John's passing, we went on to Mentone Thursday night and had a great couple of days. We watched the AWESOME Iron Bowl last night and I know that Papa John would be so proud that Auburn pulled that game out! He was a big Auburn fan...even went to school at Auburn with my Granddaddy a LONG time ago!

We miss you and love you Papa John, but are thankful for your long life and know that you are glad to be reunited with Grandmother and your parents, who Hudson drew a picture of yesterday?!? He's pretty happy that Papa John is now back in the arms of his parents. I hope he always feels that way about Joel and me! Pictures of Thanksgiving and the rest of the weekend to come later!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your family's loss, Mindy. I'll be thinking about y'all and praying for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
