Sunday, December 29, 2013

Paci Free!

I've been meaning to put this on the blog for several weeks now, but keep forgetting! This is big news!
I am a paci loving mom. My kids both needed the paci, and I don't care if they will need braces later in life--if it soothes them, that's all that matters (and they will probably need braces anyway, paci or not!). Harrison had such a rough first couple of years of life with being so sick and I allowed him to have his "pa-pa" way more than he should have. With Hudson, when he turned one, he was only able to have his paci during naps and at bedtime, and the paci always stayed in the crib. It was part of our getting up routine to put the paci back in the crib, and Hudson always complied! We let him do this until 2 and a half and then I drew the line. It was so hard taking it away from him! I remember just crying and crying over it. However, he did fine!
Harrison is a different child, and I think he really needed that paci more than Hudson (or maybe we needed it for our sanity--not sure!)! So, his second birthday came and went and I still allowed him to have it when we were out and about. I figured I would deal with it at 2 and a half, just like Hudson. People commented on it all the time. I hated that. Not because I was embarrassed, but more because they had no idea what he had been through! The paci was one of the only things that made him not fuss! Poor buddy, his ears just hurt all the time!
Anyway, all this to say, about a month ago, I was getting Harrison dressed for school and I said, like I did almost every day, that we needed to throw away that paci sometime soon. And just like that, Harrison said, "I throw it away now," and he went to the trash can and threw that paci right in! Of course, I went and dug it out when he wasn't looking because there was just no way that that would really be it! It would not be that easy, right?!?! Well, that kid never looked back. He went to bed smiling that night, and never fussed one bit! He didn't even ask for it! I was a little bit sad about it, but since it was his decision and not mine, it was easier to deal with! He was ready! It's just one more thing though that is making him no longer a baby, and that depresses me (although my driving skills have greatly improved since I haven't had to reach back and get the dropped paci off the floorboard to soothe screaming child!).  
One last paci picture...
LOVE my sweet baby (even though he's not so much a baby anymore!)!

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