Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

It is hard to believe that this is my THIRD Mother's Day! Wow! I woke up this morning (after getting to sleep in of course) to a "Happy Mudder's Day" in the sweetest little voice. It was perfect! Daddy trained him well during their time this morning!

It has been a good, yet tiring weekend. Thursday, my firm allowed me to go volunteer in Pratt City for the day. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go and help out. I wish I could do more than just one day, and hopefully, I will get to. These people will need help for a long time...long after all this initial help passes. Our group had the option of either going out to cut down trees and work on roofs, or go to the school and help at the disaster relief center. I went to help at the school and did a number of different things, including unloading donations, handing out Mary Kay makeup that was donated (you would not believe how grateful the women were that got makeup--if you lost everything, makeup would not be on your list of things needed, so they were VERY excited about this!), serving 1,000 plates at lunchtime, and giving out boxes of food to the victims. It was actually very uplifting to see all the help that was out there, and to see ALL of the donations that had been given. I thought it would be a sad day, and it was to a degree to see some of the victims that lost everything and to hear their stories, but it was awesome to see the support that was being given to these people and amongst some tears, there were a lot of happy faces as well. With our help, they can get through this! It was an exhausting day though...I'm not used to being on my feet all day and while I tried not to lift anything that was too heavy, I was definitely sore. I think I crashed at about 8 that night!

Friday, we headed up to my parent's cabin to spend the night. I forgot my camera, so I have no pictures. My brother and sister in law, and niece were there as well and we had a fun night playing on the Cam court (my parents built a basketball court/ride on toy area with the proceeds received from the sale of their national championship tickets, hence, the Cam court!). We also had a fire on the bluff and did a little riding on the gator, which Hudson did NOT like! One of the funniest times of the night had to be at the end of dinner. We had eaten spaghetti and I had just undressed Hudson so that he could make a mess with it and of course, it had gone everywhere. My mom was cleaning off his face and hands, and he looked down at his tummy and diaper, and said, "Awww man!" at the mess he had made. It was hilarious! Needless to say, we were all on the floor laughing. Unfortunately, Hudson decided that he did not want to sleep at the cabin and we had a really rough night.

Saturday, Joel and I went to Dogtown to buy big boy furniture for Hudson! It was an exciting, yet a little sad, day at the furniture store! We walked to the kid's furniture section and Hudson looked at a bed and said, "Hudson's new bed!" Of course, that's the one we had to pick! It was fate I guess! We got him two twin beds and are planning to do a fire truck room. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to make the transition yet, but sometime this summer, he will be moving into a new room! After buying the furniture, we headed to an art show where my mom was selling jewelry. It was at a sheep farm and they had a little lamb out for the kids to pet. It was so cute! I would have taken it home! Hudson was sweet to it and fed it some grass. We then got to watch them herd sheep with a sheepdog and it was really interesting. Hudson loved it, and they also had live music so Hudson loved that too. We left and headed back to Birmingham after that. We were ALL exhausted from the night before and couldn't wait to have a good night's rest! After a yummy steak dinner, we called it a night very early!

This morning, we went to Sunday school to celebrate our class' one year anniversary. I was supposed to bring sausage balls for the class. I did make them, and took them all the way to church, and Joel said I shouldn't take them inside because they weren't edible! Oh well! I'm a terrible cook and I know it. I will say that since then, Joel has eaten about half the bowl so they couldn't have been that bad! We then came home for naps. Hudson took a 3.5 hour nap! He was one sleepy little boy. We then visited Joel's parent's, had dinner, and now we're relaxing. It has been a simple, yet great Mother's Day, and a good end to the weekend. I'm so happy and thankful to be a mom!

I also want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my mother in law! I hope you have all had a wonderful day today!

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