Wednesday, December 1, 2010

21 Months

Hudson is 21 months old today. Can you believe he will be two in just 3 short months??? I sure can't!

In honor of his monthly birthday, he got to take a bath in our tub. Exciting, huh?!?! He sure thought it was!

He even ate some soap and this was the look I got. Yuck!

Then, there was some jumping on the bed. And yes, we have the book "Eight Silly Monkeys" and Hudson knows all about who the Mama has to call when the monkey falls off the bed and bumps his head--the "docta." And no, it doesn't work. He still jumps. And please forgive the unmade bed. :) We normally make it...hahahaha.

Jumping is one of the things that Hudson is doing at 21 months. Jumping on the bed, jumping on the floor--he loves it. Who knew that it takes so much coordination to jump? Apparently, it takes a lot.

He has also starting throwing things this month. I try to tell him that we only throw balls, but he will throw just about anything. While I don't like him throwing everything, there is a small part in me that gets giddy thinking that he's actually got a pretty good arm! Ha!

At 21 months, Hudson is also using a spoon and a fork really well! If he gets anything on his hands, he will yell "hands hands" at us until we wipe them off. He doesn't like for his hands to be dirty! If he needs help eating anything, he will say "mama help." We are getting more self sufficent though and it's great! Still no veggies. He's proof that living off of chicken fingers, hot dogs, ravioli, cheese, yogurt, and fruit is ok. Oh and he's looking like a leftie. He does everything with his left hand. I have no idea if we would even know right/left yet, but based on eating and coloring, he does it all with his left hand.

He is still counting the even numbers only to 10. He loves to say 2,4,6,8,tttteeeeennnnn! Ten is very exciting. Isn't that strange that he won't do the odd numbers? I think so. We're still working on colors. He's a good guesser, but I'm unable to say whether or not he truly knows his colors! At least he says a color, whether right or wrong, when we ask him what color something is. That's a positive!

He loves books right now. I think he's always loved to be read to, but he really loves them right now. We have a handful in our den and we read each one about 3 times a night. This is in addition to the books we read before bed, and those are repeats as well every night. He has his favorites for sure..."Moon" for Goodnight Moon is his absolute favorite. Let's just say we have most of his books memorized for right now--that's how much we read them. I love that he loves books and even though I might complain about reading the same ones over and over again, it really is a joy to get to snuggle with him and read to him!

He got another tooth this month. Yay! We are lacking in the tooth department, so it's good to see that another one has come through. It was a doozy though. I'll be happy when all these teeth come in and I know Hudson will be happy. Poor thing has had a rough go and we still have a long way to go in that department.

That's about it for 21 months. He's really talking up a storm and our communication is getting better and better each day. I keep telling him to not whine and actually talk to me and tell me what he wants, and that works a lot of the time, but I'll be glad when it works all the time!

Happy 21 months little buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Mindy, I came across your blog (It's under Kaitlin's blogs she reads) and I love it! Hudson is so cute! Hope you and your sweet family have a good holiday season.

    -Caroline Blanchard Pridgen
