Monday, December 13, 2010

Parties, Parties, Parties

We've had quite the past few days. Let's just say that we are exhausted tonight! I need to be addressing Christmas cards and doing laundry, but all I really want to do is to lay on the couch and do nothing! Oh well, tis the season, right?!?!?

Last Thursday night, I went to my friends Cameron and Caroline's 30th birthday dinner at La Paz. Are we really turning 30 this year??? Hard to believe. Anyway, we had a fun time celebrating. When you have 27 friends eating dinner at La Paz at one time to celebrate you, I think you are pretty loved! They are some of my best friends and I was so happy to be able to share in the fun with them! Of course, I took no pictures. This is starting to become a trend. Instead, you get randoms of Hudson!

Friday night, we had a surprise 60th birthday party for Joel's dad. Hudson wasn't too excited about wearing his Santa hat!

Look who wasn't all that surprised!

Pointing fingers, trying to figure out who's idea this was! Ha!

He might not have been surprised, but I still think he had a good time! What do you think?!?!?

Saturday night, Cameron and Caroline had their annual Christmas party at their house. I just had to go because the food is amazing every year, and it's always a really good time. They have practically the same menu every year and it kills me to have to wait a whole year to get to eat that food again! It is that good. Joel stayed home with Hudson. We've had a rough few days with Hudson--he has really been testing us--and we knew it was going to be a disaster if we took him. And, we've way over-used the grandparents lately, so we didn't want to ask them to keep him either. You know, sometimes you have to sacrifice a little, and I think that Joel didn't mind too much that he got a night at home! Anyway, I had a nice night out, ate way too much, even stopped by my friend Kristen's party on my way home. That's more activity than I've had in a while! See, I'm not that anti-social. Ha!

Saturday night wasn't the end of all the fun, however. Sunday night, we hosted our Sunday school's Christmas party. We had a tacky theme and 50 people came over! It was huge, and let's just say our house was about packed to the max! We had it catered, and several people brought dips and desserts, and it was BYOB, so really, all we had to do was to have our house ready. Easy, right?!?! Let's just say that the past week has not been all that fun around here with us being stressed about having our house just perfect. It's great to have an event in our home though, because it makes us do things that we've been needing to do (like replacing 4 lightbulbs in the kitchen that have been out for months!). Really, it was good for us. And, we loved opening up our home for our first annual Christmas party.

With being the host, I didn't really have a chance to take pictures, but I snapped a couple at the end after most people had left.

I don't know why, but we thought this big thing of baked beans was hilarious. We had to get a picture in front of it! We had enough baked beans to eat for a year.

I wish I had taken a picture of Joel and me in our outfits, but I didn't. We really stepped it up from my office Christmas party! Joel is wearing a woman's sweater and was styling!

Hudson got to spend the afternoon/night with my parent's and I went and picked him up after the party. Thankfully, they only live 5 minutes away! He was one tired little boy, and so were we! We needed one more day before heading back to work today, but we survived. All I can say is that next weekend, we are doing nothing (for now). One more week of work and then I'm off for 2 weeks. Yay!!!

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