Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Day Yesterday

Our day yesterday started out pretty badly for Mr. Hudson. I, being "mean mom," scheduled Hudson's first dentist appointment for yesterday morning, then, right after that, scheduled his flu shot! Gosh, that was a bad move on my part. Oh well.

The dentist appointment was over in no less than 10 minutes. It was super quick. Good thing because we had a screamer the entire time! Have I mentioned that Hudson hates to have his teeth brushed! Well, he had some spots on a couple of his bottom teeth that I wanted checked out (turns out it was nothing as the dentist got them right off!), so that's why we went ahead and went instead of waiting until 2 like our doctor recommended. I'm glad we went though...I think it is so important to have good teeth--even at 20 months! We learned that Hudson is getting most of the rest of his teeth. I knew that something was up in there...I just don't want to be the one to lose a finger to find out! The flu shot was super quick too, and Hudson only cried for a few seconds. After that though, I knew I had to do something good for Hudson so we had a few gifts to get at Toys R Us and I let Hudson pick out a toy as well. I think this will be my last time to go to Toys R Us with Hudson by myself. It was awful, but I tried to be patient. He wanted to play with everything and threw a fit when I made him leave any aisle. But, we managed to get our gifts and a toy for Hudson and got out of there!

Hudson picked Phil the Drill--imagine that. His Daddy is very handy so it was only fitting that this was what Hudson wanted!

Hudson decided he didn't want to nap for longer than an hour, but luckily Daddy was home and could provide some good entertainment! Who wouldn't laugh at that face?!?!?

They had a good ole' time!

We had pumpkins to carve so that's what we did after the nap strike! Hudson was a good little helper. He was so funny. He would stick his hand in the pumpkin and when he touched it, he would quickly pull his hand back out. He did not want that stuff on him. But, he did good getting seeds out with a spoon.

Our attempt at a family picture with our carved pumpkins using the camera timer. It turned out pretty good!

After we carved our pumpkins, Joel and I got a DATE night! Hudson spent a couple of hours with Migi and Pops and we went out to dinner. It was so nice to have a dinner out without Hudson! We enjoyed it so much and are so very grateful for grandparents! Thank you!!!

War Eagle! Here's to hoping for another Auburn victory tonight! Hudson and I have a birthday party to go to at the same time as the game, but I'm hoping we'll get to watch the second half. I am crossing my fingers that it will be a blow out by then! :)

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