Sunday, November 15, 2009

Great Weather Weekend!

The weather this weekend has been fabulous! We have spent a lot of the weekend outdoors and today should be no exception. Hudson has been in a great mood all weekend so that has made it all the better!

Thursday night, I was one of the lucky ones that was responsible for throwing a client open house at work. There were 1,300 invitations sent out, and they didn't do RSVP's, so we really had absolutely no idea how many to plan for. Anyway, it went great, but I was exhausted by the time it was over. Nothing like a full day of running around and then 3 hours of having awkward conversations with clients! My feet hurt like the dickens! Friday was spent recouping from that. Hudson is always exhausted from daycare on Fridays so we spent a good portion of the day napping. It was great! We did run out to see Mama Jean's new place at Somerby on 119. She moved to be closer to us and have more space, and it was brand new. It was great to see her so happy in her new place--I can only hope I have a place that nice when I'm her age! We then went to dinner at the Bluff Park Diner. It used to be Bert's on the Bluff and when Joel lived up in Bluff Park when we were dating, we seriously ate there 2-3 times a week. We haven't been back since, and were craving some good veggies, so we thought it would be a good night to make the trek out there (it's a bit far from where we live now!). It was delicious!

Saturday morning Hudson and I went out to the park for a little play time. He had a lot of fun on the swing, and even went down the slide a few times. I think he liked it! Who knows--he was pretty subdued while we were there. I think he was just trying to take it all in! I had fun though and it was great to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather! We all ventured out to Toys R Us yesterday afternoon to get a couple of Hudson's Christmas gifts. I think that will be the last time we go to Toys R Us on a Saturday when they are having a sale! It was insane, but we did get what we wanted and got good deals on everything so hopefully we won't need to go back this year. It made me so excited about Christmas though! I know Hudson won't know what is going on, but I just can't wait for him to wake up on Christmas morning and see what Santa left for him! I think he's really going to like it!

We wrapped up Saturday by going over to the Reed's house to eat a yummy dinner and watch the first half of the Auburn game. Hudson destroyed a magazine during the game, but was so entertained that we just couldn't stop him! Too bad Auburn couldn't pull that one out. It was a good game, nonetheless. Joel and I have decided to sell our Auburn/Alabama tickets this year and get some extra Christmas money. I do feel like we will give Alabama a run for their money, but it could very easily turn out to be a blowout as well. We are putting them up on Ebay to sell so hopefully we will make some money! I'm looking forward to seeing our team next year. I think we will be really good and Joel has already said that we have gotten some really great recruits so it is exciting! This year has been better than expected, but has still been frustrating at times, especially when Chris Todd was out to lunch for three games!

Hudson did a lot of standing this weekend. This is his favorite thing to do! He loves to stand up and hold on to the ottoman and beat on it. He could do it for hours. He can almost pull up on it by himself. Look at our big boy and his baby Merrills. So cute!

Here are a couple of pictures from the park. He's about to go down the slide in this one. There were a lot of other people at the park and he wanted to look at everything!

He loved this little thing. He kept trying to pull up to stand and play with it, so I helped him out a little bit and he loved it! He looks like such a big boy!

NEWSFLASH!!! We have an army crawler!!! Hudson has learned how to go forward now on his stomach. It is so cute. He is just about to do it on all fours, but he has the army crawl down pat. He goes all over the place. This was one of the first places I found him...

We are in trouble!!! He was so proud of himself. We knew the electronics area was going to be an issue, but did he have to find it this fast??? This morning, he made a beeline directly to it from all the way across the room. And, he loves one of the outlets in our den too. I will be buying some outlet covers this afternoon! Why doesn't he crawl to get his toys??? Anyway, we are really going to have to watch this guy. He is so curious about everything!

We also had to lower his crib this morning too. He was starting to climb. It makes me so sad that he is growing up so fast!

Hope everyone else had as great of a weekend as we did!

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