Thursday, November 19, 2009

Army Crawl!!!

Check out our little buddy doing the army crawl! This was on Tuesday. He is much faster today than he was on Tuesday, but I was pretty impressed with him going so fast, especially on the hardwoods! Again, we sound like idiots on the video, so hopefully you can look past that!

He is in only a diaper because I attempted to give him some "real" food that night after I had fed him his puree food. Not a good idea. He gagged and gagged until he threw up everything he had eaten. It was a real fun mess. The gagging really scares me though. He does it every time I give him anything other than baby food...I'm really trying to start him to get used to other stuff, but he wants nothing of it. I know he is just doing it because he doesn't like the texture, but it really does sound like he is choking. I don't know how I'm ever going to feel comfortable giving him anything other than soft foods with no texture!

On another note, I'm feeling quite left out these days. Hudson is all about Daddy and it is starting to hurt my feelings. Every time Joel comes nearby, he reaches out for him to go to him. When Joel is holding him and I try to get him to come to me, he grabs onto Joel tightly and turns his head the other way. What ever happened to "boys always love their mommy's" that everyone told me before I had him?!?! The kicker happened when I picked him up from daycare today. He absolutely screamed when I picked him up. It was embarassing...his teacher kept telling him that it was ok to go with mommy. Great...just great. To help resolve this problem, Hudson and I are heading to Mentone tomorrow and getting away from Daddy so we can have some bonding time! Haha, not really, but we are going up to Mentone for the weekend and Joel is going to stay and work on the house and maybe make some progress on our downstairs project. I make him feel guilty about working on it during the weekends because I want him spending time with us...but, the project is never going to get done at this rate so we are giving him some quality time to work on it without us! Hudson and I will be spending this weekend with my parents and then are heading to the lake for Thanksgiving to spend it with Joel's family. It's going to be a fun weekend/week!

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