Joel and I survived our first weekend away from Hudson. It was so hard leaving him with my parents on Friday, but I knew Joel and I needed the break and were especially looking forward to a couple of good nights sleep! One of the things on our "bucket list" is to go to all of the SEC football stadiums. We try to knock out one a year and this year was LSU. We might should have picked somewhere else for this year, but oh well. We still had a glimmer of hope that the Auburn team from the first 5 games of the season would miraculously come back for this game, but, not so much.
One of my best friends from college, Meggan, lives in Gulfport, MS. We lived down the hall from each other freshman year, pledged the same sorority, were in each other's weddings, and lastly, had baby boys exactly one month apart! Austin was born at the end of March of this year and it was my first time to meet him. He is such a cutie! Meggan works as a TV anchor in Gulfport and has to wake up at 2:30 every morning to go to work. She really is supermom. I don't know how she does it and still functions. Meggan cooked us a yummy meal Friday night and we had such a good time catching up. We don't get to see each other often, but when we do, it is like we never left each other! We also spent half of the day on Saturday with them before heading over to Baton Rouge for the game.
Here's a picture of the cute family! Oh and by the way, Austin has just started crawling and was so cute to watch! He is so much smaller than Hudson too. It made me realize that I am carrying around a ton of bricks every day! Haha...wouldn't trade it for the world though!

Once we got to Baton Rouge, we ate at TJ Ribbs. It was highly recommended to us and did not disappoint. We were able to catch the first half of the Alabama game before heading to campus. We wanted to make it in time for Tiger Walk, but the parking at LSU is awful and we had to park probably 3 miles away! It was a really fun walk after the game too, let me tell you. Anyway, we finally made it on campus and stopped at Walk-Ons for a drink with my friend Ashley. Ashley and I went to college together as well and have been great friends ever since! It was so good to see her, if only for a little while! We had some other people that we were supposed to meet up with, but it just didn't happen. We were too late getting there to have much time to do anything. I guess that is probably a good thing. There were so many LSU fans there. I know there are a lot at Auburn, but it was nothing compared to LSU. We saw some very interesting people down there. Oh and after we ventured to West Virginia and endured the horrible heckling up there last year, we couldn't wait to see what LSU fans had in store for us. We had heard they were terrible too, but like Joel said, we are still in the south and people are just friendlier here. It was nothing compared to West Virginia. The only thing that LSU fans would say to us was "Tiger Bait", and we thought that was funny since we are the Tigers too. They should have thought about that one before they said it, but they were all too drunk to realize what they were doing. Seriously, everyone was drunk. It was a little frightening walking down some of the roads!

Here is a picture of the LSU stadium. This is really more for our "bucket list" to remember that we went here! It was nothing special at all. It was not nearly as nice as Auburn's stadium. It was pretty loud though, and their fans were obnoxious. The "Auburn" section was filled with LSU fans, so it was not like some of the other away games that we have been to where the Auburn fans kind of cling together. And, they put our band far away from everyone so we couldn't even hear them. I guess that was all part of their plan! Honestly, I think a lot of the Auburn fans sold their tickets. We might should have done the same!

We did get a picture of the two of us in the stadium. All in all, it was a fun trip, regardless of the game. Notice that I am not mentioning too much about the game. I'm sure it was as frustrating to watch on TV as it was in person. We won't give up on Auburn though...we're thinking about knocking Kentucky off our list next year!!!

We are so glad to be back to our little buddy today though. He had such a fun time with my parents. I'm not sure he really wanted to leave them! He got to go to the zoo, the park, on stroller rides, out to eat, shopping...they had so much fun! And, he slept great for them too!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend. We are looking forward to Hudson's first Halloween next Saturday! Can't wait to update the blog with pictures from that!
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