Hudson made his debut in Auburn yesterday. My aunt, uncle, and cousin from south Florida had made plans to go to the AU/Kentucky game months ago, and we wanted to see them so we thought this would be a great game to go to. Ha! We were wrong! We debated all week whether or not to take Hudson because the weather was going to be so cold and it was a night game, but the bottom line was that we won't see him all next weekend so I didn't want to leave him with someone this weekend too! So, we decided to just layer him up and go down there. We didn't know whether or not we would actually go into the game. We decided that we would just go with the flow and see how it went and if we had to leave, we would just leave. We even had Hudson a ticket to go! It is absolutely ridiculous that he has to have a ticket, but oh well. We got down there around noon and started our tailgate.
I think we were the first ones there at noon!

Hudson reminded me of that kid in "The Christmas Story" that had on that outfit that he couldn't move in. We had so many layers on Hudson that his arms wouldn't even go down to the side!

Do we look cold yet???

Hudson had so much fun with all the attention! We didn't know how we would react down there being out of his normal routine. He did great though! He didn't even want to nap at all, but wasn't fussy either so it was great. He just went with the flow. He really likes being outside so I think that was the trick.

This was his little tailgate chair. So cute!

Hudson and Joel's dad, Pop! He loves laughing at Pop!

My sweet boy!

My aunt and cousin from Florida.

Hudson finally caught a quick snooze!
We absolutely froze down there. I think we were so concerned about Hudson getting too cold that we forgot about ourselves! We didn't take gloves or a hat or anything, and by the way, Anders and J&M were sold out of gloves. We went everywhere, but couldn't find any.
Needless to say, a couple of hours before gametime, Joel and I decided that this was not going to be Hudson's first game to attend. We just couldn't put him through that cold. Oh and did I mention that it rained too??? Joel and I were miserable ourselves, so we packed it up and headed back to Birmingham. We heard on the radio that the wind chill at times was 25 degrees! It was a bit chilly for October! The good news is that we really feel like Hudson would have done fine had we gone in the game. He was such a trooper all day so that was great. We won't be afraid to take him down there again, but hopefully we will have better weather the next time! It was good to be with family and friends though. There is just something about Auburn that is always so fun. We miss being down there and can't wait to show Hudson all around!
Notice I made no mention of the was TERRIBLE!!! What happened to our team that started out the season so well??? Oh well, chalk it up to a rebuilding year I suppose.
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