The sick bug hit our house again this week. Hudson had another double ear infection and also a fever virus this week. Yuck! His temperature got up to 103 on Monday. He was so pitiful and just wanted to be held all the time (I was so sad that he was sick, but I thoroughly enjoyed being able to hold him all day long--he was so sweet!). Anyway, he is feeling MUCH better today and we are all looking forward to a FUN weekend!
Speaking of this weekend, I was just in Target (by the way, I think I'm in Target every other day--what did we do before Target?!?!) and the cashier was checking out the lady in front of me. She asked her if she was looking forward to Halloween this weekend and the lady looked at her and said in this awful tone, "We don't DO Halloween." Instead of leaving it at that (the lady was obviously in a bad mood), the cashier asked why she didn't do Halloween and the lady, looking very annoyed at this point said, "We don't believe in Halloween and our kids turned out just fine--maybe you should try it." I think my mouth about dropped to the floor at this point. Did she really just say that??? Her poor kids...not solely due to the fact that they don't get to participate in Halloween (which I do think is a tragedy, but I know that there are some people out there that aren't fans of it), but mostly due to the fact that their mother is mean as a snake! Anyway, I just thought that was so uncalled for.
We are SO looking forward to Saturday night. I know Hudson won't really know what is going on and it probably was ridiculous that I even bought him a costume, but it is his first Halloween and we have got to do it up other words, take lots of pictures in his costume for everyone to ooh and ahh over! We are doing the hayride/trick or treating thing with some friends and their babies and I can't wait! I'm sure the blog will be loaded up with pictures next week. I am a little sad that we will be missing some of the trick or treaters at our house, but I have a feeling Hudson won't last too long and we'll get to see some of them anyway. We seriously have over a 100 trick or treaters come to our house. The first year we ran out of candy at 6:30 so last year I bought about 10 large bags and we didn't run out--we finally cut the lights out at 9:30 or people would still be ringing the doorbell! It is so fun to see everyone dressed up...especially the little ones. I don't much care for the older kids that think they can make it "just one more Halloween." However, I know I went trick or treating several years beyond what I needed too so I can't say too much about that!
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Halloween! I can't wait to see pictures of all the kids...and adults too! I wonder how many women are going to be Kate Gosselin for Halloween? I heard there is a Kate wig out there! Haha!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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