Friday, November 2, 2012

13 Months

Harrison is 13 months old today! I wasn't planning on doing the monthly posts after a year, but this has been a big month for Harrison, so I guess I will continue! I'm not even going to attempt taking his picture on the chair though!

He started walking a few days after his birthday and hasn't stopped since. He's everywhere and into everything. He is still pretty clumsy though. He gets to going too fast and then will plop (like when he plopped right into the concrete on Halloween!). He got his first pair of shoes this month too!

He's also getting his first tooth! It has just started to break through the gum and boy, it's a doozy. But, hey, I'm just glad he's getting a tooth. 13 months is late for a first tooth! Maybe the rest of them will all come in fast.

He is now pointing to things, not yet with one finger, but with his whole arm/hand. I can at least decipher what he wants, so that is good! Also today, he has started waving bye bye! He waved goodbye to his teachers this afternoon and was so proud of himself!

He's really starting to copy what we say. I would probably say his only words are still Dada, Mama, bye bye, and uh-oh, but he's trying to piece other things together. He "talks" a lot and I feel like he is trying to say the dogs names and also Hudson, but I'm not sure. He is definitely becoming more vocal though!

He is still loving balls. That continues to be his thing. He's got an arm too! He loves putting the ball on the tee for us. My parents say that this was me growing up. They said I would not put a ball down for anything. I'm loving it. There is nothing better than playing catch with him!

He still LOVES his new swing. You can't even mention the word "outside" unless you are going to take him and put him in the swing. He's a bit obsessed. He likes being outside in general though and has no fear of the grass at all.

He also loves our singing and dancing Elmo, and dancing Mickey. He bounces up and down while they play music. He also loves playing with the Alphabet Train. He loves to stick the letters in the top. Hudson never really got into this toy. It's really interesting to me to see how different they are just by what toys they choose to play with.

His eating is getting a lot better. He has finally started to eat strawberries. This is the first fruit, besides applesauce if you call that a fruit, that he will eat. I thought this was strange because fruit was pretty much ALL Hudson would ever eat at this stage. I have not had any luck with fruit with Harrison until now. Harrison will eat veggies though, so that is good. He especially loves green beans and carrots.

He continues to HATE being changed. It is a total mood killer and I dread it every day. It really is awful. I lose all patience in the mornings. It's hard enough getting both boys fed, dressed, pottied, and out the door (by myself!), and the flailing and screaming that is involved with changing Harrison just about puts me over the edge. I don't know what it is, but he just hates it. No other words for it. This too shall pass, right?!?!?

He has started getting jealous with Hudson, and Hudson, in turn, gets jealous of Harrison. They will just fight over who gets to sit in my lap and who has my attention. He is also really getting into messing with Hudson and his "stuff." I have even seen Harrison pushing Hudson out of the way to get to something. I can tell he is going to be the bruiser of the two of them. Poor Hudson is going to have to toughen up!

Harrison is doing better with the one nap a day thing at school. We no longer have to let him cat nap between 4-5:30 pm. He can make it, but he's in bed by 6:30 and sleeps until 7:30. I'm still letting him take two naps on my off days, and the difference in his mood is very noticeable. He's so much more fun when he's had two naps! Oh well, we're getting through it. His teachers tell me that he plays hard at school all day long so it is no surprise to them that he's so exhausted!

I think next month, it will be time to get this boy's first haircut. I've gotten so many "she's so cute!" comments lately it's not even funny! It's really curling up in the back now and is precious, so I do hate to cut it. I just don't know if they will come back! Hudson's hair is still curly, so maybe it will.

Happy 13 months little big guy! I can't wait to see what is in store next month! Time for the holidays to begin!

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