After eating a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles and calming down a bit, he was good to go for the egg hunt. We had practiced at home so he knew what to do! Here he is waiting until "go" time. He's thinking hard about which ones he is going to grab!
I was proud of my little buddy! In the 30 seconds that the egg hunt lasted, he got about 10 eggs, which was way more than I was expecting! He helped me stuff some of the eggs last week with some of our Sunday school friends and he realized real quick while stuffing the eggs that there was chocolate inside and kept sneaking pieces when I wasn't looking. Luckily, he had forgotten about that (at least until we got into the car!) and was fully focused on grabbing eggs this time!
Here he is showing me his loot! I think he had fun!
We then let him play on the playground for a bit before heading home. It was a fun Saturday morning and Hudson is still talking about wanting to give the Easter bunny a hug. We keep reminding him that he cried at the sight of him. :)
He was all about "Daddy's hat" and the "Aubun football!" He's just so darn cute. I can't stand it sometimes! He had actually grabbed 3 footballs, but I couldn't get the camera out fast enough!
In baby news, I went for my checkup today and everything was great. I got to hear the heartbeat this time and it was awesome! The doctor couldn't find it on the doppler at 12 weeks, but it was no problem this time. We set my big ultrasound for May 16th so we'll find out for sure what this sweet baby is in a month! I can't wait to start fully focusing on a name for this baby and figuring out what I'm going to do with his or her room! I'm doing something totally new this time regardless of what it is!
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