Friday, April 22, 2011

Class Easter Egg Hunt

Today was Hudson's Easter egg hunt at school. I just took Hudson for the hunt since he normally doesn't go on Fridays and I didn't want him to miss out. He was so funny. He found one egg and immediately opened it to get the chocolate out. He was done. I convinced him to get a few more eggs, and then he just plopped down and ate all of his candy. It didn't last long.

My little "frat" boy!

He doesn't need ANY help in opening the candy, and if it takes him too long to open it, he'll just plop the whole thing in his mouth, wrapper and all. He doesn't care!

He was keyed up on chocolate by this point and running around his room like a mad man, hence, the blurry picture. It's all I could get! I think he missed his buddies this morning!

Towards the end, I caught him sitting on the floor shaking all of his eggs to see if there was anything in them. Unfortunately, there was nothing left!

He was being SO silly the entire time. He did not want to leave. I loved every minute of watching him play!

This is totally unrelated to his class Easter egg hunt today, but Hudson has said some of the funniest things lately, and if I don't write them down now, I will forget them! I know I'm already forgetting some things.

- This morning, we had to take the dogs to the "doggie doctor" to get their haircuts. When we got there, there was a cat roaming around the lobby. Hudson went up to it and said, "How you doin' kitty cat?" Everyone in the lobby was cracking up.

- We still let Hudson have the paci at bedtime. It's just a battle I don't want to fight right now and he knows it stays in the crib. We have gotten rid of it at daycare at naptime...hooray for that! Anyway, I went to get him out of the crib one day this week and he had thrown out everything in his crib...stuffed animals, his THREE blankies, TWO paci's, etc. When I put it all back in the crib, he started saying he wanted his paci, to which I told him that he didn't need that paci and that paci's were only for babies. He replied, "Hudson still a baby." Well, he is still MY baby, even if he's 2!

- Whenever he drops something, he says in a REAL southern twang, "Awwww shooooooottt!" It's so funny.

- He is obsessed with his red crocs. He would wear them every day if I let him. He calls them his "rocks." I think it's a combination between red and crocs, but he LOVES his rocks and will tell you all about it.

- I had to put Hudson in time out the other morning for jumping on the bed and not listening and when I got him out, he said, "Hudson sorry, Hudson bad." I was the one that felt bad!

- On another disciplining day, I gave Hudson a pat on the bottom (on the diaper--I feel bad spanking skin!) because he did something he wasn't supposed to and after I did it, he said, "Mommy, no! Mommy don't hit." How do you teach a 2 year old that it's wrong to hit, when you need to spank as a form of discipline? It really made me think about that!

I really do have one sweet little boy. I love this stage so much!

I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter! I know we are really looking forward to it!

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