Friday, July 23, 2010

First Crocs and a Few Little Tidbits from the Week

Hudson made his debut in crocs for the first time today. My aunt gave Hudson these crocs when he was born and I couldn't wait for him to wear them. Only one problem...Hudson's feet are SO small!!! He is still wearing size 3 shoes. Most shoes for his age don't even start until a 5. We have had the hardest time finding shoes that will fit his feet because they are so fat and short. The baby fat is finally starting to slim down and his feet are starting to grow so I thought it would be a good day to see if the crocs would fit. They are still a bit big, but they look so cute!

We have had a better week at the Reed household! Everyone seems to be on the mend so that is good news. Hudson is still walking around with a limp, but it doesn't seem to bother him too bad. My sister said that his limp is his new "swagger." Joel is afraid it won't go away! Haha!

Hudson has been so much fun lately (despite the broken foot!). He is turning out to be such a funny little kid. He loves to be silly and is SO social! He says "hey" (more like heeeeyyyya) to everyone we pass (really, EVERYONE) when we are out and about, and has this huge toothy grin, and also waves at them with his Miss America wave. He also waves bye bye (a different wave from the Miss America wave!) and says it after we pass the people. It's usually to complete strangers! So funny. I do get a little irritated if the people decide to ignore him. It makes me sad!

He is also doing great with his vocabulary! His newest obsession is the word "cookie." For the past couple of days, when he is in his high chair and it's towards the end of the meal (that I'm trying to force down his throat-ha!), he starts saying cookie. Awesome. We have never given him cookies before, so I guess that he learned that from daycare? Who knows, but you know I couldn't deny him a cookie when he said it so clearly, so now I have been the enabler and it's turned into an addiction. It's bad when he gets out of the bath talking about cookies when it's time to go to bed! Oh well!

And today, I realized that he was doing sign language. I know only one word in sign language, and that is "more." I should probably know more words, but I don't. Well, today, I was giving him a snack and when he finished what I gave him, he did the motion to tell me he wanted more. I was so proud! I have never done this with Hudson, so I am assuming it is coming from daycare. I wish they would tell me what else they have taught him so that I can figure out what I have been missing! I wonder if he has been giving me signs for other things and I have just been ignoring them. I hope not!

We are looking forward to a very relaxing weekend. I'm seeing some trips to the pool in this heat!

1 comment:

  1. C does the "more" sign is soo cute! I think daycare teaches them a lot more than we realize. I am so in your shoes with trying to force the food down his throat...C has been a terrible eater these days! Oh & C has small feet too...we must get these "twins" together!
