Thursday, February 26, 2015


It's been a loooooong week. We had delayed starts Monday and Tuesday mornings, and then the entire city was literally shut down yesterday as we awaited a big snow storm. We literally waited ALL day for that darn snow to come and with each hour that passed, so did our hopes.  Less than an hour north of here got 8 inches of snow! It was really close to us! The kids were disappointed of course, but I was too! We had been hearing about it all week and everyone had taken the proper precautions and stayed home to avoid another disaster like last year, and we were all ready for a fun snow day! I even waited in line Tuesday night at Rocky Ridge Hardware to get one of the 300 sleds that they had special ordered and were set to arrive at 5:30 (they sold out before I made it to the front--clearly, it was not meant to be!). I mean, when they tell you that you are going to get 2-4 inches of snow, we wanted to have fun with it!
FINALLY around 8 we went outside and the white stuff was falling. I have never seen two more excited little boys. There was NO way they were going to bed! And why not, they had already called for another delay this morning so of course we were going to stay up late and play!
 We got all bundled up which takes forever and everyone is sweating before we even get outside, but thankfully, they didn't say they wanted to come in after 5 minutes this time so it was worth it! :)

 We had a big snowball fight! It was 2 against 1 (ME!) so I didn't have a chance. I ate lots of snow last night! Unfortunately, so did my camera!

 We had only been out a few minutes before the neighbor down the street yelled at us to come get their sled! The boys slid down our hill over and over and over again. I even did it too!

 As you can see, we didn't get more than a dusting, but it didn't matter!

 Have you seen a happier child?!?!

 We were out more than an hour playing in it and when I told the boys it was time to go in, they threw such a fit. It was almost 10 though so they needed to go to bed! Their poor hands were red as anything and we were all soaking wet! What a fun night it was. I hope it will be one of those nights that the boys remember forever because it was something extra they got to do...something about it coming after bed time made it all the more fun!

Here we were this morning waiting for Harrison's daycare to open. I had to drop Hudson off and Harrison's school didn't open for another 45 minutes so we had a lot of time to kill...and a lot of Frozen to listen to!
 The snow is gone today, thankfully, and Joel is back in town tonight, thankfully. And tomorrow starts the big birthday extravaganza weekend for this soon to be SIX year old on Sunday! Woo hoo!

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