Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jordan and Anna's Wedding

We started out the wedding weekend by picking up the boys' tuxes. They were SO excited and thought they were hot stuff! Hudson got to stand on the counter to get  his picture made!

When I told Harrison it was time to take it off, he replied with a loud "NO!" It was so funny! Who knew they could make tuxes this small. Anna wanted them both in tuxes without a jacket, so that's what we did! They were precious!

Friday morning after Muffins with Mom, I headed to the bridesmaids luncheon. It was at Anna's mom's house and had a beautiful backyard! We had a great time kicking off the wedding weekend! Here is Anna with all but 2 of her bridesmaids.
Friday night, we headed to the rehearsal at Reid Chapel. The boys did great at first and held hands down the aisle. I thought, well, maybe this might just work. What was I thinking?!?! Ha! By the end of the rehearsal, we were talking to Anna about not even trying with Harrison, but she wanted him to do it, so we just decided we would play it by ear and if he did it, great, if not, no big deal. My mom was going to be at the back of the church to deal with the boys since I was the first bridesmaid to go down the aisle, and Carrie was going to be at the front of the church to whisk Harrison away if he didn't make it! Thankfully, there were doors at all ends of the church! We had a grand plan (of course "plans" involving a 4 year old and a 19 month old never really work out the way they are supposed to!).
We sent the boys off with my mom so that we could go to the rehearsal dinner at Vestavia Country Club.
Dinner was delicious and the toasts were plentiful and were mostly sweet! Poor Jordan got roasted for sure! It was great though. We laughed and cried and just enjoyed the celebration!

Aren't they the cutest couple?!!?

Then it was wedding day (not before going to Haines' birthday party that morning--pictures to come on that later as it was such a cute party!). I got to the church around 11 and we started the pampering process!

She was a BEAUTIFUL bride! Absolutely stunning. Her dress was amazing, although she can make anything look good!

I had such a fun time spending the day with Anna and her other bridesmaids. We all had our hair and makeup done and had lunch and just talked the day away. Anna was so calm all day! She was ready!

Joel and I were so thankful to my mom and sister who came to our house at noon and let the boys nap. It seriously took a village this weekend! They brought the boys around 4 to the church and got them dressed. At least one of them was happy!

Carrie brought cartoons on her Mac so that was a huge hit. It kept the boys happy for a little bit while we waited for go time!
This picture just makes me laugh and sums up the day (and my life!). Hudson being compliant and Harrison throwing a fit. I did not get a single picture of the two of them that was decent, nor did I get a family shot of all four of us. The photographer got some I think, so I'm hopeful that some of them turn out! It was just a stressful time once the boys got there.
So...the actual wedding ceremony. What I wasn't prepared for was that Hudson would come halfway down the aisle and then get stage fright and would turn around and run back! Ha! My mom came to the rescue and ended up walking down the aisle with both of them. She was embarassed, but it was fine and they did it. Hudson carried a sign that said, "Uncle Jordan, here comes your bride" so it was very important that he get down that aisle and let Jordan see that sign! He showed absolutely no emotion, while Harrison was just cheesing it up all the way down the aisle. Finally, once Hudson dropped the sign with Migi, he trounced up the stairs so loudly that the audience all got a chuckle. He made it though! He even successfully transferred the ring to Jordan. You must be thinking, we are crazy for letting him touch that ring. YES, I thought that was the worst idea ever. However, someone had told Hudson that he was carrying the ring the whole time and when he found out that he actually wasn't going to get to do it, he was very upset! So, the solution was that when it came time, Charlie would hand the ring to Hudson and then he would hand it to Jordan. I might have had a small heart attack during the exchange, but it went off without a hitch! Oh and Harrison...well, he got down the aisle and then was immediately taken outside the church! Phew!

The wedding was beautiful and sweet and everything a wedding ceremony is supposed to be! They did not see each other before the ceremony, so it was extra fun watching their reactions to seeing each other for the first time. It was hard not to tear up!

The reception was at Avon Theater, which was such a neat venue! I had never been there before, but loved the atmosphere and the exposed brick. It really was beautiful! The boys got right back in the swing of things and headed straight for the dance floor. Where else would they be?!?! We sure have this wedding thing down pat! They had the best entertainment, and even had a photo booth, which we had a ton of fun with!

We look pretty exhausted here!
Carol looked beautiful in her dress!

The highlight of the night was when Hudson was taking a break from the dancing and sitting in my lap and he leaned in and said, "Mom, I love you. And I just love this pretty dress." Melt my heart!

The boys danced and danced until they could not move anymore, and we sent them on home with Mom and Carrie. They had a big day and really did great! We were really proud of them!

Joel and I stayed at the wedding until the end and then headed to the after party. The bride and groom rented out the side bar at the Rare Martini so we were able to continue the celebration into the night with them.

What a great wedding it was! We were so glad that we all got to be a part of it (and not cause too much drama with the boys!). Anna is the perfect match for Jordan and I am so glad she is now officially part of the family! Although Jordan better watch out...Hudson told us the next day that HE was going to marry Anna! Ha!

They are enjoying a week in Costa Rica and words cannot even express how jealous I am! I hope they have a wonderful time though!

1 comment:

  1. A toast to Jordan and Ann...

    May you both love each other more today than yesterday,
    but less than tomorrow.
    May your joys be many and your troubles be few
    with only more love and good health for you.
    May your marriage have every season of happiness.
    May your joys be many and your troubles few.
    May you always remember that the heart that loves is forever young.
    May your wedding days be few
    And your anniversaries many.
    May the road you travel together be filled with much love and success.
    May your love be as endless as your wedding ring.

