Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hodge Podge

The boys are on hour 4 of a nap today, and I'm bored out of my mind! We are definitely still catching up from the last few weekends. This weekend has been nice. We have not done anything and it has been great. Harrison is battling an ear infection that has been ongoing the past few weeks, AND he is getting teeth finally, so he has been a pill. I'm thankful that this little attitude of his waited until this weekend to appear. And I'm hoping it leaves us before we head to the beach! Ha! He is certainly starting his terrible two's early! Luckily for him, he's cute as a button.
For anyone that thinks the boys don't look alike, check out the picture below. I think they look so much alike here!
We are starting our big renovation next week. We are getting a new master bathroom and Joel is planning to do other things that I am sure will just add to the cost (and time involved)! I'll give an update 6 months from now and maybe this will all be finished! :) We have been planning this for a while and have had some setbacks, so I'm just really ready to get the project started. I will be sure to show before and after pics!

So these boys have started wrestling. I knew it would be coming, but they are having a blast playing and jumping on each other. I am secretly hoping that it will help toughen Hudson up! We have a conversation daily about how he needs to stand up for himself. He's just so sweet natured. So, this is good for him! Harrison on the other hand does not need any help in that department. He's a bruiser. I'm just waiting on someone to get knocked in the mouth or break a nose or something. Speaking of mouth, Hudson knocked a bottom tooth loose last week. It was one of those times where I had asked him to not do something 10 times and he decided to do it just one more time, and about knocked the tooth out! There was blood everwhere. Thankfully, I think it has tightened back up. I'm sure there will be more of this, but it was not fun!

Hudson started swimming lessons last week. We are taking from the same guy at St. Vincent's 119 that we took from last year. He is great! Hudson did great at his first lesson, but he definitely needs more practice. He will tell you that he already knows how to swim though. :) Good thing because the puddle jumper is going to Harrison this year! He's on his own! Not really...but sort of! Seriously though, he LOVES swimming and is not scared a bit so I'm thankful for that (he just needs to get good at it!).

Movie night! We normally have a rug, but it was getting cleaned! Thank you Chloe for that. :)

Last Saturday in the middle of all the wedding day fun, Hudson went to Haines' birthday party. We sure could not miss this party! It was supposed to be at a park, but the rain caused it to move indoors so we went to the lighthouse at the church. It was a cowboy party and they had a real cowboy put on a show! Talk about heaven for little boys!

Doesn't he look hilarious?!?! I cannot get over that mustache! Can you tell that Hudson had his own idea of what he wanted to wear to the cowboy party??? Woody hat, long sleeve shirt (at least it has a cowboy boot on it), shorts, and cowboy boots. Joel hates shorts and cowboy boots! Oh well! Hudson won out on this day! He got the mustache and the bandana at the party. Such a cute idea!

Here are Hudson and Haines and the real cowboy! I only got to see a few minutes of the show since I had to head to the church, but it was great and he incorporated the kids in everything that he did. Harrison loved it too! It was such a cute party.

My three day a week work schedule starts this week! Woo hoo! I have big plans for tomorrow. Sadly, most of them involve organizing things around the house! I need to catch up on things so I am so excited for this schedule. It makes all the long hours during busy season worth it.

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