Thursday, May 23, 2013

He Pulled His First Fast One

If you follow me on Instagram, you already have seen this, but since Instagram doesn't make it in the blog book, I have to record it here too!
This morning was like any other morning. Joel left for work early and I got the boys up and ready and finally out the door. It was actually a good morning considering there were a couple of mornings this week where Harrison literally screamed from the moment he woke up to the moment I threw him in his class and sighed a sigh of relief! Only kidding about that last part...sort of! Please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this way! Too bad there are plenty of days where I can't stand the thought of having to drop him off. Oh the joys of a guilt-ridden working mom...
Anyway, so after I dropped them off this morning, I had to go meet Joel at the car place to drop off his car. On the way there (mind you, I had dropped them off only a few minutes before), I got a voicemail on my office phone that goes to my email from the assistant director. She said that she had Hudson with her and he was complaining that he needed to throw up and he wasn't feeling well and if I could just call her back. I tried calling her back, but could not get her for a while. Joel went ahead and dropped me off at work and took the car and was on the way to his office when I finally got the call back from Cindy. I point blank asked her if he was pulling a fast one on her because he sometimes tends to do this and he was fine this morning, but she said he wouldn't even play on the playground and was acting really puny and if we could just come on and get him just in case he had a bug. Sure, ok.
I KNEW he was not sick, but oh well, what can you do?!?! So, since we were down to one car, Joel went ahead and picked him up and brought him to my office. I had a lunch that I had to go to, so the plan was that he would stay at my office for the morning and Joel would pick him up in time for me to go to my lunch. As soon as he got out of the car, I asked him if he was feeling better and that stinker said, "I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm at your office!" And then he proceeded to tell me he was just kidding with Cindy and that he really wasn't feeling sick.
He apparently put on a pretty good act! Isn't he too young to do this??? He had them all fooled. I just hope the next time he really does get sick that I believe him! :)
It's really hard to get upset with him. We probably could have just taken him back to school, but he obviously just needed a day away and our schedules allowed for that today so why not! I think he knows not to do it again though unless he is really sick! :)
We had a fun morning and I think he really enjoyed getting to see where I work. He especially loved the drink machine, which he then proceeded to spill his sprite all over my office. He drew me pictures, stapled lots and lots of paper together, and did a lot of cutting with scissors! He also watched a good bit of cartoons on my second screen! I actually did get some work done surprisingly. I need to plan to take him back to work with me again some day. I did love the company and it was nice to just get to spend time with my oldest!
Does he look sick to you???? 
And not to leave this crazy boy out, this has got to be one of the funniest pictures of Harrison. He LOVES to drink the water straight from the faucet (when he is not taking cup fulls of water and throwing them out of the tub!). Silly boy!

This was the last picture taken in this bath tub! We are now down a bathroom and the house is full of dust. Let the remodeling begin!

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