Sunday, February 26, 2012

Auburn Basketball Game

We headed down to Auburn yesterday to see Auburn play basketball. To say Hudson was excited would be a huge understatement! He could not wait to go watch them play!

I think Harrison is almost as big as Hudson! :)

I didn't get any pictures of us actually in the new arena, but I promise we did go! Hudson was enthralled with all that went on with the game for the first half (which ended up being the only half Auburn showed up to play!), and then I chased him around the arena the rest of the time. I may or may not have almost punched the rude balloon man in the arena after we waited in line for 15 minutes to get a balloon sword and he told us he was done right when we got to the front of the line. Talk about one very sad two year old. It broke my heart to see Hudson so sad! He ket saying the whole rest of the day that "the sword was going to make me happy." Poor buddy. We finally made it over where we could get close to the band and Aubie, and he loved watching all of that. Sweet Harrison didn't make a peep the entire game. He tried his hardest to get a cat nap, but all of the excitement of the crowd kept making him jump. He didn't fuss a bit though and was a perfect angel as always!

It was a fun afternoon despite Auburn's loss, and we can't wait to go back again next year! It sure was fun being in Auburn. I miss that place!

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