I'm not going to lie, life has been tough lately. Joel and I have both had to miss work a lot and everyone has been sick and it's just stressful sometimes to be "on" at work and then be "on" at home. There's not much downtime. I feel like I don't see the kids much all week except for during the craziness that is trying to get out the door in the morning, and then again at the dreaded arsenic hour that starts around 5 and doesn't end until they are tucked in their beds (I think most moms can relate to how bad that time of day is with sleepy babies!), and so I can't wait for the weekends so I can get my hands on them and spend quality time with them, but then I feel like I really can't get anything done on the weekends because I'm too busy taking care of the kids. Sorry, that was a really long sentence! I guess we're just still trying to figure all this out. One thing is for sure though--we love these kiddos to pieces and even when we feel like we need a break from them, 5 minutes later we're missing them. We wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world!
Anyway, with all that said, we needed this weekend. It was a weekend full of time with the kids AND alone time, so I feel like we hit the jackpot!
Friday night, the girls in our Sunday school class got together and did a recipe swap. We brought either a dip or a dessert and had so much fun being together. I love getting to know all these girls. I'm very thankful for our class and the friendships that I have made. The night was full of laughs and good times. We were all very thankful for our husbands as they gave us all a nice break for the night! I did take my camera, but did not get it out the entire night. I had too much fun running my mouth!
After naptime, Joel and I dropped the boys off at Migi and Pops and finally got to celebrate his birthday. We shopped for a bit and then had a fabulous dinner at Bonefish. It was so nice having some alone time with Joel. Some days I feel like I don't even have time to talk to him, so we enjoyed every bit of our date! The kids had a great time with Migi and Pops and were exhausted by the time we picked them up.
Check out these thunder thighs...
Tomorrow, it's back to the grind. I have 7 audits going on starting tomorrow, so busy season has arrived. If the blog suffers over the next month, you know why. I'll be stuck in accounting land. :)
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