Friday, February 3, 2012

4 Month Stats

Weight: 17 pounds, 5 ounces (95th percentile)
Length: 26 inches (75th percentile)

We had a good checkup this morning (despite all the shots!). Dr. C. wasn't too concerned about his spitting up since he doesn't seem uncomfortable and he is gaining lots and lots of weight. :) He just said he's one of those "fat happy spitters!" He did say we could try to put a little cereal in his bottle to see if that helped. He also said to put cereal in his last bottle if nothing else, and see if that would help him sleep all night. Otherwise, he said it's time to let Hudson stay at Grandma's and let Harrison cry it out. Let's hope the cereal works!

I think we are going to wait a bit on doing cereal and food from a spoon. We started right at 4 months with Hudson and I just felt like he really wasn't ready for it at that point. I'll probably give it another month or so and then try it. There's no rush on it.

We are still watching Harrison's flat spot and trying to keep him off it as much as possible, but Dr. C. was not as concerned with it thankfully! He's looking both ways and is not leaning one way or another, so that was the major concern at first. It's definitely flat, but he thinks it will resolve some once he starts sitting up. That was very good news!

P.S. Blogging that we were improving in the sleep department totally went out the window last night. I was up with him at 2 am, broke down and gave him a small bottle at 3:30 and then he still woke up once every 30 minutes after that until wanting another bottle at 6. Couple that with Hudson waking up crying at some point during that time, I'm a tired mama today.

1 comment:

  1. I have a baby this age and we are doing the same thing. It's very frustrating and very different from my first child! We are quite tired in our house!
