He is grabbing anything and everything he can get his hands on. I love to rock him at night before I put him to bed and he just grabs my face the whole time. He will smile and laugh at me and I just love that connection that we have! There is nothing like it and I know this will not last forever so I cherish every second of it.
He thinks it is hilarious when I get him dressed and pull something over his head. I have no idea why, but he always gets the biggest grin and lets out a chuckle.
He LOVES bathtime! He is a splasher!
He really wants to sit up. He is much happier that way as opposed to laying down. I will put the boppy pillow behind him and he loves playing with his toys like that and watching Hudson.
He still loves being on his playmat and also in the jumperoo.
Knock on wood, but I think we are finally making some progress in the sleeping department. Don't get me wrong, I still have to go in there several times during the night, but we are improving. I've cut out the middle of the night bottle, which makes a huge difference in the amount of time I am up. I thought we would never get to that point. He's over 17 pounds, so I know he doesn't need that bottle, but there were some nights that there was no way he was going back to sleep until he had a snack. I think it was just more comfort to him than anything.
He is a major spitter upper. I'm going to talk to the doctor about it at his check up tomorrow, but he never seems fussy or uncomfortable, and he's obviously gaining weight, so I don't know if it's reflux or not (or whether it's anything to be concerned about). Hudson spit up a lot too, so maybe my babies are just that way? We go through so many outfits, bibs, and burp cloths each day. I know at some point that Hudson stopped spitting up--I just can't remember when that was. I hope it is soon, but I have a feeling we have a few more months of it!
He's still eating 6 ounces every 3 hours during the day. He is still wearing his 6 month clothes, but he's also wearing 9 month too!
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