Two months...
And here he is today...FIVE MONTHS OLD!!!
I love this picture below. It was about the only good one out of 50 that we took! He wasn't really up for the photo session today!
I can't believe our little man is five months old today. I think I say that every month, but he is growing up so fast. Here's what's been going on over the past month...
- Hudson has started eating solid foods! Yay! We started on cereal and he took to that really quickly so we moved on to sweet potatoes. I think we will start something else this week...maybe squash? The doctor said to start on the yellow and orange veggies first, then move on to the yellow and orange fruits, and then move on to the green stuff! He really likes the sweet potatoes. As soon as he swallows a bite, his mouth is wide open waiting for me to give him the next one.
- Hudson had his first ear infection last week. He is still taking the antibiotic (which makes his poor tummy upset), but he feels fine other than a lingering cough. We were hoping that he would have been a little older than 5 months before he got his first ear infection, but luckily he did not seem to ever feel that bad with this one.
- He has started the sitting up process! He does not like to be laying down on his back anymore. He likes you to have him in a sitting up position. He can hold himself up for a while now. I think I've heard some people call it the "tripod" position, but basically he is just balancing on his hands. It won't be long before he can stay up without using his hands!
- We are regressing in the sleep department. I am going to cut him some slack this past week because I know he was sick (even though the 7 times we were up a couple of nights ago was not fun!), but he apparently has an internal alarm clock that goes off at 3:30 am every morning. He will wake up and start talking. He will talk for a while and then that will eventually lead to crying. I think every night Joel and I think he is going to talk himself back to sleep, but he doesn't. We are going on a month of him doing this...not fun! Last night we had a hard time getting him back to sleep, but usually it just consists of putting the pacifier in his mouth. Several nights this week we have just given up and brought him into our bedroom to sleep. I don't want him to get used to this, but we will do anything for sleep. Somehow, he sleeps great in our bed! Ha!
- He has still not made any more progress on rolling over, although he tolerates tummy time more now that he can lift his head up more. He just really has no interest in rolling over. At least we know he can do it though because he has done it before.
- Hudson is really reaching out and grabbing things. He was kind of doing it last month, but now he is really doing it! I used to be able to eat dinner at the table while holding him, but now, it is a task trying to keep his hands from pulling my plate off the table! He has tried several times!
- I'm pretty certain that we are really teething right now. The excessive drooling has been going on for a while now, but he has just started really wanting to have his hands in his mouth (especially at 3:30 am--that is what really makes me think he is teething; it must be uncomfortable), and when we feed him, he would rather chew on the nipple of the bottle rather than eat. We will see if a tooth appears in the next few weeks. I'm sure the blog will be updated for this big event!
- He is now in size 3 diapers (poor daycare had to tell me to move up a size--I knew we needed to, but I just didn't want to face that he was really getting big!)
- He is still wearing some 6 month clothes, but mostly, he is in 9 month.
- He has started taking 2 pretty good naps a day. This is very new, like within the past week, so hopefully it will keep up. I think stretching out his feedings to 4 hours has helped him with getting on a schedule.
I think that is about it for this month. It is hard to believe that next month he will be half a year old! I am just not going to think about that. Hudson meets his Aunt Carrie for the first time in 2 weeks and he is SO excited! I'm pretty excited too!
Happy 5 months old little guy!
I can't believe he is 5 months old...he is so cute and adorable! Claudia loved sweet potatoes too!