Sunday, June 7, 2015

Camp Sumatanga and First Lost Tooth!

We are loving summer so far! I start my reduced work schedule this week and I'm so excited to spend more time at home with the boys. They are at such a fun stage right now.
We took the boys over to Joel's aunt's house one afternoon to swim. It was a tad chilly, but they had so much fun jumping off the diving board. Harrison even did it without his puddle jumper on! We are so proud of our little swimmer.

I think if we ever have a little girl that this is what she is going to look like! Ha!

 Hudson spent a week at Camp Sumatanga last week and had an absolute blast! It was a day camp and he was there from 8-5:30 every day. They went hiking and canoeing and swam in the pool a bunch. They also had worship time and did crafts too, including making a slingshot! It was right up this little boy's alley! I'm thinking next year we are going to look into an overnight camp for him. He was so sad that the week was over!

 Harrison and I went to the zoo one day. It is so fun to have some one on one time with each boy.

He wanted to ride the camel this time! $5.50 and 2 minutes later he was done. It is such a rip off, but he loved it and he was pretty cute doing it! He said it was a really bumpy ride!

 We had a little lunch date to a pizza place afterwards! So fun!

 We grilled out at home Friday night and had corn on the cob and Hudson bit into it and his bottom tooth that has been loose for forever finally decided it was time to come on out! Hudson was SO dramatic about it! I really hope that we do not have to go through what we had to go through for the remaining 27 teeth! Of course he has told everyone that it was "easy breezy" which is so funny because it was so not!
 After Joel pulled it out we had one excited little boy! He was SO proud to show it off! We decided to head to the grocery store to get some ice cream (aka get some "cash back" because we were not prepared!) to celebrate! And the tooth fairy did pay a visit so that was fun too!

 I was a little sentimental about it. I know it's just a tooth, but that was the very first tooth that came in when he was a baby and now it's gone! It is so bittersweet that he is getting so big!

 Since Harrison got to pick the activity for Friday, we let Hudson pick for Saturday and of course he picked the Irondale CafĂ© for lunch. They just love going to see trains and eating there! It was very good as usual.

Harrison and I are getting pretty good at taking selfies! Ha!

Hudson had a swimming party last night at Lifetime. That was the first time we had been there and man, was it resort like! I was super impressed! He had a ball going down the water slides!

My little loves before church this morning...

Hudson is off with a buddy from school this afternoon. I know he's having a blast! He has been missing all of his friends so much, so we hope to see them all in the next few weeks for play dates!

The boys both have VBS this week and they are so excited! Should be a fun week!

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