Sunday, March 3, 2013

Superhero Party!

We had Hudson's party at Pump It Up on Saturday. It was so fun! I loved being able to just show up to a party and not have to do anything. Really, I did nothing but bring a cake and party favors! 

Harrison hung in there the whole time and went down the slide a hundred times, bounced in the jumpy, and did the obstacle courses! He was one worn out baby last night!

One of the highlights of the party was seeing Hudson's best friend Caleb from his old school. They have a friendship that I had no idea could even exist at their age. They had not seen each other in 6 months and picked right back up where they left off! I even caught them tee-teeing in the same toilet at the same time...and talking about "its" size. :) Oh lordy we are in trouble.

He had so much fun with all his sweet friends. It was hard to get any pictures of any of the kids. All of my pictures were blurry because no one would stop for a second! I finally got four of them to sit still...

 The wind tunnel!

 Most of the kids that came! We were so very blessed to have them all come celebrate our sweet boy. Thank you to everyone!

An attempt at a family picture (best we could do!).

After two rooms of jumpy fun, the sweaty kids finally headed to the party room. Hudson had this look the entire time everyone was singing to him! I think he was exhausted.

My one complaint was that they put the party favors at everyone's place in the party room instead of letting me hand them out at the end, so all the kids ate them while they were still at the party (along with goldfish and a cupcake--sorry parents for probably ruining dinner!) and I felt bad that it seemed everyone left with nothing in hand! Oh well--they were so cute and tasted fabulous too!! They almost didn't arrive in time...we had to track them down at the post office only hours before the party. Joel was about to kill me for ordering something off the internet (because for some reason I have been getting burned lately), but thankfully they were worth the stress!

What a fun afternoon it was! Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate with us!

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