Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter celebration yesterday!

The Easter bunny brought a few small things to the boys.

One of the things the Easter bunny brought was a stomp rocket, which has probably been used no less than 1,000 times since yesterday morning. What a simple little toy it is. We've already had 2 rocket casualties (one thanks to Uncle Andres who put it on the roof at my parent's house, the other cracked due to so much use!) least we can buy some more at the store!

Easter bath! Hudson was in the tub too, but was very upset that Harrison was kicking and splashing him. At least one of them was having fun.

Church with Pops!

Annual family picture in front of the cross at church.

The Reed's minus Jordan.

And that is when my camera battery died! Oh well. It was actually kind of nice to get to spend the rest of the day just "enjoying" and not having to worry about "documenting for the blog!" Might have to try that more often!

After church with the Reed's, we went to my parent's for a delicious lunch and Easter egg hunting and Morgan's birthday celebration, which included playing with hermit crabs (not me, the kids--I hate those things!) and a game of Twister! Never a dull moment. We then ALL took naps and after that, headed to the Reed's for more Easter egg hunting, stomp rocket blasting, bubble blowing, and more good food! We are exhausted, but what a wonderful day it was!

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