Hudson is starting to walk! He is still wobbly, but he's got the mummy walk down pat and today, he walked all the way across the kitchen which was the farthest he has gone so far! He is not full blown walking yet (he still prefers to crawl when he wants to get somewhere fast), but he is walking most places in our house. He is gaining more and more confidence every day. Tonight, he got to a standing position from a sitting position. I was a very proud mama!
His pointer finger is the key to everything he wants right now. He is constantly pointing us to where he wants to go. The funniest thing to me is that we have never had any trouble getting Hudson to go to sleep at night, and now is still no exception. As soon as we get in his room at night, or in the middle of reading him a book if we make it that far, he points right to the crib to let us know he is ready. We lay him down and that's all it takes! I do know that we are extremely lucky with this bedtime routine and I'm sure will pay for this with the next baby!
He takes a paci only at nap time and at night. In the morning when I get him out of the crib, I say, "Hudson, what do we do with Mr. Paci?" He immediately takes it out of his mouth and throws it back into the crib, with a huge grin on his face. It's awesome!
He understands what the word "outside" means. He heads straight to the back door when we mention the word, even if we are just talking to the dogs! He always wants to be outside. He also understands what we mean when we ask him if he's hungry and wants to eat. He will make a beeline straight for the high chair! Then the battle begins. He is a very picky eater and I almost dread meal time every day because I don't know what he will eat and what he won't. You just never know. He has had the most random things to eat because I don't want him to starve and he wouldn't eat anything else offered. Veggies are the worst. He will eat carrots, but that's hit or miss. The thing that I know he will eat every day, and probably would eat every meal, is bananas. He had a fit in the grocery store the other day when we simply walked past the bananas. I thought I might just have to grab one and give it to him while we shopped, but luckily he calmed down when they were out of sight! He is slightly obsessed. At least bananas are healthy! It could be much worse!
One word that he is choosing to ignore is the word "no." I have started giving him a little pinch on his hand because that is all that works! He laughs at me when I say no to him...and this is only about 200 times a day! I am trying to be more firm, but I obviously am lacking in the discipline area!
He still hates being dropped off at daycare and in the church nursery. I hope this phase passes fast because it is awful!
Hudson is saying dada, bah (ball), dah (dog or door, but in the right context each time!), uh oh, and bye bye.
He has 4 teeth now (2 up, 2 down) and I think there is another one about to come through up top. We have started brushing his teeth, which is pretty funny. He's not too thrilled with it.
Hudson is wearing mostly 24 month clothes, with still some 18 month pants. He has really short legs and a long torso, so the 18 month pants are still kind of long, but when he wears one piece jon jons or shortalls, he has to have the 24 month or 2T because his torso is long! He is still in size 4 diapers.
Look at those legs! I could just eat them up!
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