Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Few Tidbits

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I just haven't had much to blog about! Here are just a few tidbits of what's going on in the Reed household. There are no pictures either...I guess the lack in blogging has caused me to take less pictures!

  • We had Hudson's one year pictures made about a month ago. Go to to check them out. I think they turned out great!
  • Hudson's last day at Bekare is tomorrow! I'm starting to get a little sad and I'm wondering if we are making the right decision. There are a couple of teachers at Bekare that we are REALLY going to miss! I hate goodbyes and change has never been one of my favorite things! I just hate to think about dropping him off on Monday in a new environment and how he is going to react. Please say a little prayer that the transition goes well. He will be going to Mother's Day Out from 8-3:30 Monday through Thursday at a local church. I will get to spend more time with him each day, so that is a huge plus for me, and we have heard great things about the MDO program so I really think it's going to be a good change once we get into the swing of things! His class will be smaller and the teacher to child ratio is much better so he will be getting a lot of attention! I'm really excited about that. I'm also hoping that he won't be as sick either (ears have been draining both this week and last...can't seem to get over these ear infections). Oh and one more positive is that we won't be paying $1,000 a month anymore! Woo hoo for that raise!
  • My sister is coming into town on Friday! We can't wait to see her and Andres. We are all headed up to Mentone on Friday to spend some time at the cabin with the whole fam. It's going to be good times! She is leaving on Sunday so it's a short trip, but we'll take what we can get. Maybe one of these days, I'll make it out to Los Angeles to visit!
  • As for an update on Hudson's walking, there isn't much of one! He is still taking about 5-6 steps at a time, but definitely not walking full-time. Crawling is still the way to go. He will be 14 months old on Saturday, so I think it's about time that he starts!
  • We have officially dropped the morning nap. I was dreading that day, but actually, it's been ok. I feel like we can get out and do things in the mornings, and then he takes a really long (usually 2-3 hours) nap in the afternoon. It has worked out better than I thought.
  • One more not so fun thing is that Hudson has decided that Mama is not his #1 for the time being. I feel so left out and it makes me so upset! He cries when I take him from Joel and immediately tries to go right back to him--it's not just every once in a while either, it is EVERY time. I know it is just a stage, but I would much rather it be the other way around with me being his favorite! :) I guess that Joel always gets to be fun...I'm always changing his diaper, wiping his nose, cutting fingernails, cleaning ears, making him eat those veggies that he hates, dropping him off at daycare, and the list goes on and on...all things that he hates. At least that is what I keep telling myself that's why he prefers Joel over me right now! He is also obsessed with his grandparents and pitches a fit when we leave them. It makes their day, but let's just say it is difficult trying to strap Hudson in the carseat when he is arching his back and throwing an all out fit because he would rather stay with them! Our feelings are a little hurt! Guess that means it's time to have weekend stays at the grandparents' houses! Ha!

That's about all that's going on. Not much, huh?!?!

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