We went to church yesterday morning with the Reed's. It was one of the best sermons we've heard! I remember back to last year when Easter was Hudson's first time to church. We were too scared to put him in the nursery since he was only 5 or so weeks old, so he went to the service with us and slept through the whole thing! There is no way we could do that this year! There is absolutely no quiet time with this little guy. In fact, Joel and I were riding home last night after all the festivities and I told Joel that my ears needed a break. Hudson's new thing is to squeal as loud as he can for the entire car ride. It's wonderful!
I love this picture of Hudson and Pops (Joel's Dad).

Here is the Reed clan at the cross.

Here is our sweet little family.

From church, we went to my parent's house for an Easter egg hunt and lunch. Hudson started off strong in the egg hunt, but then decided he would rather chase the dogs around. I guess we had one too many egg hunts this weekend! Ha! The Easter bunny brought Hudson a big stuffed animal and a book. Thanks Big Mama and Big Daddy and Mama Jean!

Here's a picture of my parents with their grandchildren. Blaine wasn't able to make it, but we missed him dearly!

I told my brother Trey that I would give him a shout out on the blog since he took our family picture. He is such a great photographer (and an excellent tax preparer too if you need some tax help!)!!! Trey, you can thank me later. We are all laughing pretty hard because my Mom is behind the camera doing jumping jacks and making crazy faces. Oh the things we do to get a one year old to smile! Thanks Mom!

This picture is on here for blackmail purposes. Wouldn't you smile at that face too?!?!?

That was the end of the picture taking for the day, but after we left my parent's house, we went home so Hudson could take a much needed nap. We had a little bird incident at the house which woke Hudson up early. A bird flew in our house and we could not get it to go out! It flew up onto our chandelier in our foyer, which is a two story foyer, and it wouldn't move. I asked Joel if it would be good if I got some socks to throw at the bird and he said it would be fine. I started throwing them, and after a few times Joel told me to stop because he was afraid the socks would land in the lights. He went outside for a second and I decided to throw just one more pair, and wouldn't you know my basketball skills came back and I not only hit the bird, but the socks fell in the lights so now we can't turn our chandelier on anymore until we get them out! Anyone have a big two story ladder we can borrow??? Needless to say, Joel was so mad at me and Hudson woke up in the process...oh, and the bird was still in the house. We were finally able to get it out, but not before it went to the bathroom all over our house. Gross.

Here is the Reed clan at the cross.

Here is our sweet little family.

From church, we went to my parent's house for an Easter egg hunt and lunch. Hudson started off strong in the egg hunt, but then decided he would rather chase the dogs around. I guess we had one too many egg hunts this weekend! Ha! The Easter bunny brought Hudson a big stuffed animal and a book. Thanks Big Mama and Big Daddy and Mama Jean!

Here's a picture of my parents with their grandchildren. Blaine wasn't able to make it, but we missed him dearly!

I told my brother Trey that I would give him a shout out on the blog since he took our family picture. He is such a great photographer (and an excellent tax preparer too if you need some tax help!)!!! Trey, you can thank me later. We are all laughing pretty hard because my Mom is behind the camera doing jumping jacks and making crazy faces. Oh the things we do to get a one year old to smile! Thanks Mom!

This picture is on here for blackmail purposes. Wouldn't you smile at that face too?!?!?

That was the end of the picture taking for the day, but after we left my parent's house, we went home so Hudson could take a much needed nap. We had a little bird incident at the house which woke Hudson up early. A bird flew in our house and we could not get it to go out! It flew up onto our chandelier in our foyer, which is a two story foyer, and it wouldn't move. I asked Joel if it would be good if I got some socks to throw at the bird and he said it would be fine. I started throwing them, and after a few times Joel told me to stop because he was afraid the socks would land in the lights. He went outside for a second and I decided to throw just one more pair, and wouldn't you know my basketball skills came back and I not only hit the bird, but the socks fell in the lights so now we can't turn our chandelier on anymore until we get them out! Anyone have a big two story ladder we can borrow??? Needless to say, Joel was so mad at me and Hudson woke up in the process...oh, and the bird was still in the house. We were finally able to get it out, but not before it went to the bathroom all over our house. Gross.
After that drama, we headed back over to the Reed's to play for the afternoon and had dinner. The Easter bunny had made a stop at the Reed's house too and Hudson got some great beach toys, some sunglasses, a big stuffed rabbit, and most importantly, teddy grahams and goldfish! Thanks Migi and Pops! Hudson was such a trooper all day. He just loves people. He only had an hour and a half nap all day and he was still smiling last night at 7! We just love our little buddy.
Hope everyone had a great Easter too!
Mindy I have a HUGE ladder you can borrow. We got it as a wedding gift. I'm pretty sure it's two stories tall. I LOVE the picture of your mother! Y'all are so cute!