In the 4 week post below, I mentioned some of the things that Hudson is doing these days. His main thing is that he is really starting to grab onto things. I think he almost pulled my necklace off my neck yesterday! He has such a strong grip! He's also making a lot more noise these days...whenever he is awake, it is constant noise coming from him. And, he's starting to discover his hands, which is so cute!!! I love snuggling with my little boy. It is the best thing in the world having him be close to me and hearing him breathing and smelling his sweet little breath. It is awesome! I wish he would stay this small forever (except that I wish he would sleep a little longer at night)! Joel weighed him the other night and he was up to 10 pounds 8 ounces. I've started getting out a little bit more with him. He loves to go on stroller rides, and loves riding in the car! He has also stayed with his Big Daddy a couple of times and he loves that too...although, Big Daddy says he's the most boring baby in the world because he slept the whole time both times! I told him to consider himself lucky that he was so good and quiet!
I've learned a lot over this past month as well! Here's a few things:
1. When people tell you over and over again before you have the baby that your life is about to change forever, they are so right! We laughed at how many people said this to us, and we thought, oh one child is not going to change our life...ha! We were so wrong! It is a great change though and we couldn't be happier!
2. Life is no longer about Joel and is completely revolved around Hudson (as it should be!). We live in 3 hour increments and plan our outings around these 3 hour increments. We try to maintain a schedule, but that constantly changes based on his needs and we've learned to adapt to that.
3. It is truly amazing what you can do on such little sleep! I am thankful for my wonderful husband who gives me a night off every now and then so I can catch up.
4. I have become a professional bottle washer and laundry doer...and that's ok!
5. We call burp cloths spit rags...because that's what they really are! And, you can never have enough of them and bibs!
Here are some pictures from our photo shoot on his one month birthday!
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