Yesterday, Hudson went for his 6 week checkup. He now weighs 11 pounds, 14 ounces, and is 23 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for both. We knew we would be moving up on that chart! He's a big boy! We also thought his head was getting huge, but it's only in the 50th percentile. I can't remember the measurement exactly, but I think it was around 15. Everything looked great though. He had to get 4 shots, which was terrible for me! I know it was bad for him too, but it was double bad for me! It took him a minute to realize that it hurt, but once he did, man did he let it out!
I had my first bad mommy experience a couple of days ago. Hudson was sleeping in his bouncy seat in the den, and I was working in the kitchen. Yes, much for maternity leave! Anyway, I never would really strap him in the bouncy seat because he always looked so uncomfortable, and I thought that was maybe why he hated it so much. He didn't ever move very much in it either, so we didn't think it was a problem. Anyway, I heard him starting to stir, but nothing too loud so I just kept on working. Next thing I know, I hear a crash, and then he starts screaming. He had bounced himself right on out of the bouncy seat! I'm not sure how he landed, but he was on his side when I got to him. The minute I picked him up, he was fine, although I was not...I cried! I felt so terrible. I checked him up and down to make sure everything was alright and thank goodness, it was. He never really liked the bouncy seat before, and I'm pretty sure now he absolutely hates it! I have had him in it since the incident though, and he was fine...and nicely strapped in.
My other mommy mishap happened yesterday. It's not really a mommy mishap like the bouncy seat's more of an embarassing, insert foot into mouth, incident. After the doctor's appointment yesterday, I went to Macy's at the Galleria since it was close to the doctor's. I wanted to go look at the children's clothes, which was on the third floor. Why they put the children's clothes on the third floor is beyond me, but oh well. I had Hudson in the stroller so we had to find the elevator to go up to the third floor. There was a lady with a stroller there waiting on the elevator as well. She was an interesting looking lady to say the least, and she had about an 8 year old son, and then another baby boy in an infant carrier. He looked like he was born last week, so me, desperately needing some adult interaction, decided to initiate some conversation. I asked her how old he was, and she thought for a few minutes, and then she said, "Well, I guess...I guess he's around 5 weeks now." Now, there was some doubt that this was not her child (as I said above, she was interesting and the kids didn't really look like her...won't go into detail, but you get my point), but she acted like she was their mom, but yet she had to think about how old her child was?!?! That was strange enough. Anyway, so I said, "Oh, well mine is 6 weeks." Then, instead of saying how cute he looked, or just ending the conversation there, I said, "Well, mine is bigger than yours." I mean really, why did I say that? Mine is bigger than yours??? Like it was some competition! She just stood there and didn't say anything back. Thank goodness the elevator doors opened and I made my merry little way in the opposite direction. I really need some more adult interaction! I'm losing my ability to communicate to the outside world!!!
And lastly, I can't do a blog without posting a picture, so here was my attempt at taking Hudson's picture in an Easter basket! I don't know what I was thinking...I guess it is appropriate to include it in the mommy mishap post! He didn't like it too much. I'm not sure who would like being stuffed in an Easter basket! Oh well! He still looks cute. :)