Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our 18 Month Old

Harrison is now 18 months old! The past couple of months have been so much fun. He is doing something new every single day and we have loved watching him develop. This is one of the greatest things about motherhood!

I wouldn't say that he is talking up a storm, but he is finally saying a good bit of words. Some of his favorites are milk, juice, "tank tu" for thank you, shoe, dog, cat, hudson, "side" for outside, hot, train, choo choo, car, truck, and "nana" for banana. There are a lot of other ones that I'm sure I am missing.

He is doing awesome eating with utensils and actually prefers eating with them than without. There are lots of times when it would be easier and less messy if he just picked it up with his hands or let me feed him, but I just have to deal with it and let him do it himself. He tries a lot of foods and is definitely a better eater than Hudson. The poor boy STILL only has 4 teeth. I do not see any on the horizon either. That is so strange to me, but I keep being told that the longer it takes for them to come in, the better.

He is a great sleeper and is still taking about a 3 hour nap in the afternoons. He's goes to bed around 7 and is most always ready and willing to go! We always read books before bed and he is the one that picks them out. His favorite is Goodnight Moon (Hudson loved this too!).

He loves cars, trains, motorcycles, airplanes, tractors, and pretty much everything else little boys love. He still loves balls and can hit the ball off the tee like nobody's business. He's got a great swing and loves to practice (and really loves Hudson's t-ball games!).

He is an outside child and we are loving the warm weather. He thinks bubbles are the greatest and would do them all day if he could. He also loves our swingset. He is already climbing up there and sliding down by himself. I would never have let Hudson do that at 18 months.

He loves shoes! That is the only way I can get him changed most days. I bribe him with shoes! He will run right over to me and sit down. He still hates diaper changes though and pretty much everything else with putting on clothes, except for the shoe part. We have bought him some new shoes within the past month and he is so proud when he wears them. It's like he prances around! My dad will love this about him as he has somewhat of a shoe fetish himself! :)

He is still a bruiser. Last week, he threw a toy so hard at school that he broke the bottom half of the window in his classroom. They said it just completely shattered. Whoops!

He has finally started watching cartoons or the Ipad with Hudson (I think we have created a monster when it comes to the Ipad because he is slightly obsessed), which makes mornings a little easier when I'm trying to get ready. Most days I try to get up and get ready before they are up, but that doesn't always happen so any time where they can sit still for just a few minutes is great.  And they are just so precious when they are doing something together and not fighting about it!

Joel and I look at him all the time and just smile. How can you not?!?!? He is just the cutest and sweetest thing in the world. He had a rough first 15 months of life and I think we are finally seeing his true personality come out, and we love it. He is just perfect. Happy 18 months big buddy!

We have 18 month and 4 year old checkups coming on Friday, so that ought to be fun. Hudson has to get 4 shots I think! Here are a couple of pictures of the boys before church today too!

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