Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Doctor Checkups

The boys had their 4 year old and 18 month checkups on Friday. Why I thought it would be a good idea to have 2 checkups, which included 5 shots, at the same time, I will never know. I learned my lesson! :)

I'm throwing in some t-ball pics so that this won't be a pictureless post! 

Hudson and Haines wrestling in the outfield. They played one extra inning this week and it was hard for the boys to hold their attention that long!

Hudson walked into the lobby at the doctor and yelled, "Give me my shots!" He had all the nurses laughing. It was pretty funny--obviously when it actually came time for the shots, it was a different story. Poor boy. Four shots is a bit much, but he doesn't have to get a shot again until the 6th grade!

This was the first doctor's appointment that they actually took Hudson away from me. It was a bit chaotic as you can imagine, so all I got out of Hudson was that they checked his eyes and his hearing. I don't know what else they did, but I guess he passed with flying colors! It was weird though not seeing him do the tests. Mama Bear just had to let go!

At 4 years old, Hudson weighs 39 pounds (50th percentile) and was 41.5 inches tall (75th percentile). His whopper of a little brother weighs 29 pounds, 8 ounces (90th percentile) and was 33.5 inches long (90th percentile) at 18 months. Incidentally, when we went to have them fitted for their tuxes for the wedding, they were the same size in the waist! Ha! Both are projected to be 6 feet tall like their Daddy!

Hudson's favorite part about t-ball is getting to slide at home plate!
Both boys were healthy as can be so it was a good checkup! I think next time I will do it one at a time though! There was a lot of crying come shot time! :)

We left with both boys decked out in stickers. They looked like a car that was full of bumper stickers. Then of course it was time for a treat for being such big boys, and Hudson wanted Dairy Queen, so that's what he got! Ice cream always makes things better!

Thankful for healthy boys! And thankful to finally get my Fridays off again--woo hoo!!!

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