Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to Normal

We survived (just barely!) last week without Joel. Let's just say it was good to have him home Friday night! Just about everything that could have happened last week did happen, like both kids not sleeping, both kids getting ear infections, a bomb threat at our CVS that caused us havoc in getting prescriptions, and the dogs being SO sick too on top of all that. It was not a fun week at times, but we did have some good moments too, like not cooking AT ALL, eating a great dinner on Tuesday with the Reed's with fresh veggies from the garden, me being able to finish a book (I read Fifty Shades--not sure how I feel about it, but I am going to read the second one!), and having a fun day off with the boys on Friday and having a good lunch at Moe's all by myself with them (and it was relatively stress free!). So, it wasn't all bad!

I did manage a few pictures last week. Harrison is pulling up on everything! He is even starting to let go a bit and balance. Didn't he just start crawling a couple of weeks ago???

Hudson is SO silly! Poor baby has the absolute worst ear infection I have ever seen. It is so bad that it was dripping all over the place last week--awful!
Harrison's ears were fine on Thursday at the doctor (Dr. C. checked them too while we were there), but lo and behold, he woke up with them draining on Friday indicating another infection for him too. That is our luck with these things. I emailed Dr. C. to let him know and he responded by saying we have the worst ears in America.

Friday, we also went to see Hudson's new preschool. He LOVED it and wanted to stay so that made me so happy! Only problem is that he has to be totally potty trained by August 6th. That gives us less than 2 weeks to get him to go #2 in the potty! He's fine on #1 and has been for a while now, but he just won't go #2 in the potty! We've done little treats and that just isn't working. Friday, I went and let him pick out a big toy that he has been wanting for a while now and we put up a potty chart with stickers on the wall (with the toy sitting under it, still in the box, but out in the open so he can see it) and when he fills the potty chart, he gets the toy. I think he understands--at least he acts like it! So far, it's working, but I'm still not convinced this is going to stick for him. I'm afraid he's going to get the toy and go right back to where we were. He's smart. I used to be optimistic on this process--it is quite frustrating to say the least. Recommendations welcome on this!

Saturday, Joel had to work all day so we went to the zoo with some of our friends. We had a great morning out!

The splash pad is always a hit! I wanted to run through it too because it was so hot, but I thought I might get some looks! :) The zoo is always a great place to go. It pretty much guarantees good naps in the afternoon too!

It ended up being a pretty laid back weekend, which we all needed. Glad to have the fam back together again! Can you tell I'm not used to Joel being out of town? I absolutely hate it.

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