Look at this sad face!!! He is absolutely terrified of his new duck tub. This is going to make a great story at his rehearsal dinner someday. My little boy...who is tough as nails, loves to play rough, loves BIG dogs, I could go on and on about how much of a BOY he truly is...but, he is terrified of a duck! There is something wrong about this!
His aunt Carrie got him this tub because he has had several incidents in the tub recently. We were hoping that this would help contain him and provide some padding! He loves to climb all over the tub, swim all over the place, and just be a boy, but sometimes he would slip before you even knew what happened. I'm always sitting right there and most of the time I am holding on to him when it happens, but it still happens! Ahh! Anyway, this was our solution and he hates it. He takes one look at the duck and starts shaking and screaming.
This was Joel trying to tell him that the duck is nice! Ha!
Park City Utah
2 years ago