We weighed Hudson last night and he is up to 10 pounds, 4 ounces. He is getting huge! He no longer fits in his newborn clothes. It is so sad! I just remember when we brought him home at how big the newborn clothes were on him, and now they don't fit!
We started putting Hudson on his play mat this weekend, and he seemed to really like it! I thought it may be a little early for it, but since he is so opposed to his bouncy seat and swing (screams every time you put him in them), I thought, well maybe he will like the play mat! So far, so good. It's nice to have somewhere to put him during the day so that I can get some things done. Otherwise, it's him in my lap, which I don't mind of course, but I don't want him to get used to it! The play mat has a bunch of things to look at and touch, and he actually grabbed one of the little monkeys on it and pulled it down this weekend. I don't know if he meant to do it or not, but it was so cute and we were so proud that he's starting to grab things! Just one of the many milestones that we have to look forward to! Next up, smiles. We're hoping we're going to get one of those in the next couple of weeks that is not related to gas pains! Haha!
Joel and I had our first night out alone on Saturday night. Hudson's Mimi and Pop kept him for a few hours while Joel and I went to the PE banquet for Joel's work at Ross Bridge. It was nice to have some adult time for a while, but we were missing our little guy! Engineers are strange people...often awkward. My husband knows this, so I don't feel bad saying it on here. One of his co-workers came up to us when we were heading to leave and Joel told him that we had to go home to see the baby. He did not know that we had had a baby, and him, being socially awkward, looked at me and said, "Well I can see that you've just had a baby now that I look at you", and he made a gesture to his stomach like I was pregnant. Ok...I know I've got some weight to lose (it's only been 4 weeks!), but here I was, feeling really good about myself because I was wearing a slim fitting black dress that I wore before I was pregnant, hair done, make-up on, wearing heels for a change! I thought I looked pretty darn good...but, he totally put me in my place and brought me back to reality. And, to make matters worse, he said it again! I hope he felt bad about it later! He must have just been uncomfortable...that's what I'm going with anyway!
Here are some recent pictures. He'll be exactly a month old on April 1st, so I'm going to start taking his picture next to a stuffed animal on the 1st of every month to see how much he is growing from month to month. I can't wait!
Chloe loves Hudson! Well, sometimes anyway. We also love our overalls that Uncle Jordan gave us! So cute!
I thought this picture was cute...it looks like he is starting to discover his hands, but I'm not sure if that is what he was doing or not.
His outfit even came with a hat! It was a little big, but he looks like a conductor!
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