Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Trip to the Cabin

Last weekend, we headed up to Mentone to spend the weekend with my parents. We have had so much going on during the weekends for the past few months that we haven't had a chance to go up there in a while, so this was much needed! As we drove through Mentone on Friday to get to the cabin, we were so sad to see what was left of the Mentone Springs Hotel after it burned down a few weeks ago. We are hopeful that someone will replicate the old hotel because it just means so much to Mentone, but who knows what they will do.  
Anyway, the weather was great Friday and Saturday and so we spent the majority of the time outdoors. I didn't take many pictures, but the kids had a blast. From playing on the Cam court with all the riding toys and shooting baskets, taking rides in the gator, swinging in the rope swing, and spending hours on the neighbor's zip line, there was no shortage of things for the boys to do! They also did a good bit of playing in the sand box and golfing on the putting green! Seriously, so much for them to do! And of course Mom and Dad helped so much with the boys and allowed Joel and I to really rest and catch up, which was exactly what the doctor ordered.
Saturday morning, we did venture out for a bit to a place about 30 minutes away called the Pocket. It is a protected area that is FULL of wildflowers. We were about a week or two too early to really see the wildflowers in bloom, but it really was amazing (and I'm not a flower person at all). There is a short hike on a boardwalk through the wildflowers and then it goes to a trail where there is a waterfall at the end of it. It was perfect for our crew.
The boys love a good hike. They are going to turn out just like their Daddy! It was really fun.

 Big Daddy holding up the tree...
 My little man (recovering from another dad gum ear infection last week) and I...

Picture wildflowers in bloom as far as the eye can see in the picture really is going to be beautiful in a couple of weeks. We did see a good bit of pretty flowers starting to bloom, and the botanists were out in full force looking at every single one starting to open up. That part was actually pretty funny (think lots of plant nerds!).

After our hike, we had lunch at a local place which consisted of Harrison screaming crying the entire time, spilling his drink all over Hudson and me, and then the waiter brought out everyone's food except for Harrison (for like 15 minutes we waited on his), so you can imagine how fun that meal was.

Luckily, the 2 year old fit didn't last too long. He's too cute to get mad.

Speaking of the above picture, I took a 2 hour nap in that chair Saturday afternoon. Talk about heaven.

What a good weekend it was!

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