Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Beach!

We had a great trip to the beach for Memorial Day weekend. We had beautiful weather all weekend long and the ocean was like a lake and as clear as I have ever seen it! It made for great swimming...and also great for jellyfish and sting ray sightings--yikes! Hudson loved swimming in the ocean and of course the pool. We had to bribe him down to the beach or else he would have just stayed at the pool the whole time. He actually played in the sand too! Much improved over the past few years where he wouldn't even set foot in the sand!

We had a rough first couple of days though with Harrison, including the trip down there which consisted of Harrison wailing for two hours straight. Poor buddy, he just wasn't feeling all that great. The only places he was happy the first few days were in the pool, in the baby pool on the beach, or when he slept. If he wasn't in one of those places, he was screaming! It was a little stressful and I was just about ready to come home! It was not my idea of a relaxing vacation! (I have no idea why I had it in my mind that vacations these days are relaxing.) He did sleep great though. They both slept great! No complaints about that! By Saturday, he was thankfully back to himself. Carrie and Andres joined us down there on Thursday night and Hudson was in heaven! They slept in the room with him and he was so excited! We are so glad that they came down because it made it so much more fun!

Check out Harrison's pink float! The package had a picture of a float that was blue and green and of course when I opened it up, it was pink. Oh well, it worked all the same!

Hudson was such a fish. He literally swam in the pool or in the ocean for like 6 hours each day. He was one worn out boy at the end of each day! He did great on his swimming, but I'm not going to lie, I put the puddle jumper on him at times when he wanted to be a little more daring than I could handle.

This little baby pool, while ugly, might have been the best purchase. Harrison would sit in it for long periods at a time and just loved it! He splashed like crazy and even figured out how to reach over the side and dig in the sand (and eventually put it in his mouth!). He didn't seem to care a bit! You should have seen the bath tub every night though. There was some serious sand in there from these boys!

They were not feeling any kind of photo shoot on this day, but they looked cute anyway.

Why do I love this picture below so much???

Probably because this is what happened shortly thereafter! :)

We usually cook a lot when we go down to the beach because it's just easier with kids to not have to rush in and get ready and they are always exhausted by the end of the day anyway, but I decided this trip that I was not cooking. Not sure that was the best idea in hindsight, but we ate some really good food! Our most daring night out was to Seagrove V on Friday night. That place has no high chairs, and no kid's menu, so clearly, they are not catering to families, but we wanted to try it and it didn't disappoint! Hudson's dinner was only $17! Ha! But, it sure was good! We all loved our food and we sat outside, so the kids didn't bother anyone. Harrison lost it at the end, but it was hot and he was tired, so I don't blame him! Carrie and Andres checked out the new bar in Seagrove afterwards, and said it was great too!

We also went to the Donut truck in Alys Beach a couple of mornings, which was fun, and then had lunch at a couple of places in Rosemary, the Summer Kitchen Cafe, which was really good and chill, and then Cowgirl Kitchen, which I had high hopes for and it really wasn't all that great. We did Louis Louis for dinner too, and it was good, but exactly the same as Red Bar, which we also did on Saturday night. We came prepared for a tailgate and had just taken a couple of sips of some cocktails when our buzzer went off. The wait was only a few minutes. It was shocking really. I guess that is what you get when you go at 6. You beat the crowd. Anyway, the food was awesome as always. Here we are at our tailgate. Harrison was taking a cat nap in the car.

He woke up happy though!

We love these two so much! Hudson just adores them and Harrison is coming around. He no longer screams when Carrie holds him, so that's progress! :) We did end up deciding to stay in on Sunday night and Carrie and Andres cooked us the best meal! We were so grateful for that.

The pirate towel was such a hit. Not sure if Jenny B. reads this, but if you do, thank you so much! So cute!

After a 7 hour ride back yesterday (traffic on 65--need I say more?), we are glad to be home! Thankfully, Harrison was a dream baby on the way back, although when we were sitting on 65 for a solid hour, I did get him out of the carseat. Not sure we would have made it otherwise! It was a great trip and we can't wait until the next trip down there soon!

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