Height - 31.5 inches (75th percentile)
Weight - 26 pounds (75th percentile)
HC - 18.5 inches
We still have a big boy on our hands! The checkup went great today, well, except for the 3 shots and the no air conditioning in the office! I was a sweaty mess after dealing with Hudson's tantrums while we waited (he just might have thrown a major fit and laid all over the dirty floor during the wait!). Those offices are way too small for a mobile toddler and waiting is torture for everyone involved! Ha! It was WAY past his naptime to say the least (I learned my lesson about scheduling appointments during naptime!). We got through it though!
Overall, Hudson is doing great and is meeting all of his developmental milestones. Yay! He is still having ear issues, which Dr. C. was going to have to consult with the ENT to get us on a plan to make that better. His ears drain ALL the time. Luckily, it does not seem to bother him. We also talked about Hudson's lack of veggies and Dr. C. was not concerned. He said to give him the V8 juice (which I have been doing) or start him on a vitamin if he didn't like the juice.
I think 15 months is a hard age. He is SO fun, but he is all over the place. He is an accident waiting to happen and it scares me to death! I can't turn my back for a second. Just the other morning, I was making his lunch before taking him to school and he kept getting into this cabinet that I didn't want him in. I moved him away about 5 times before giving up--he is persistent when he wants something. Next thing I know, I have a broken dish and a screaming baby. He wasn't hurt, but it scared him and my reaction didn't help things I'm sure. He falls all the time too. Most of the time, he is fine, but I worry about him falling into something. He already has a huge bruise on his head from a fall that happened yesterday. He's walking great, but sometimes he gets ahead of himself and tries to go faster than he needs to! I'm ready for more stable legs! Ha!
He is also throwing more and more tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. I know they are normal, and I should ignore them for the most part, but it's hard. I just want him to be like this all the time...
15 months is such a cute age though, even with its challenges! I love that he copies what we say and his vocabulary is increasing every day! So far, he can say Dada, Mama, dog, ball, nana (banana), cracker, duck, quack-quack, Jack, big, milk, more, car, bubbles, and I'm sure there are others that I am not thinking of right now. He can also point to his nose, and your nose too! He loves being chased, and being the chaser as well. He will laugh and laugh at that game. He loves to shake his head "no" and smile while in his high chair--he thinks he's being SO silly...it's hilarious! He LOVES all of his grandparents...really, it's quite an obsession. He cries every time we leave all of them. He is very attached to his dog stuffed animal, which we call Ra-Ra (I asked him what we should call him and that's what came out first!). We had to take him all the way to school one day before I put my foot down on that! Ha! He loves to rough house. His favorite thing right now is to get on my back. He also loves being outside. He says "outside," but it still doesn't sound like that. I know what he means though! He will point at our downstairs door and say "car, car" so that we will take him to go ride in his car in the driveway. He also loves to climb on our downstairs couch...really, he is starting to climb everything (another reason why he's an accident waiting to happen!). He gives the best hugs and loves to be read to. We can ask him to go get us a book and he will go find one. I just love that he is starting to really understand what we say and can react to it! He has four teeth up top and two on the bottom, with another one and a molar trying to poke through on the bottom.
I'm not even going to discuss the food issues in detail because nothing has changed, but as you can see, he's not starving. He is still obsessed with bananas and knows where they are on the counter. I still say that it could be worse...I'm pretty positive that Hudson would pick a fruit over any kind of junk food, so I think we are ok!
He is wearing 24 month and 2T clothes. It is hard to believe that he is wearing clothes meant for 2 year olds, but it is what it is! Hopefully, he will stay in this size for a while!
That's about it for what he's up to at 15 months! This boy sure is growing fast!!!
I felt like you just described Mary Lynne! We FREQUENTLY watch her face turn tomato red and she will lay down on the floor and pitch a fit! She loves to be "side" (outside) too. We need to get them together to play...maybe they would wear each other out!