Check out poor Rudolph's nose...
This is the second time this week that we've drawn blood! He has had a rough go! Sunday he busted his lip. Today, he busted his nose! I guess this is only the beginning of all the bumps and bruises we are going to see. It doesn't really phase him though. Both times, he has gotten upset when it happened, but then a few minutes later he was fine.
Our day started out with a nice long walk, stroller and dogs included! I got some looks pushing a stroller with two dogs on leashes. We managed though! We then headed to the pool, but unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures. Apparently, Waterbabies is doing more than I think because I have a little daredevil! The baby pool was closed (don't even want to know why!) so we played on the steps of the big pool and he kept wanting to take off swimming on me! I have got to get him some floaties or something like that. I thought he would be scared to death, but he definitely was not! Our little quick trip to the pool lasted almost 2 hours! I couldn't leave him for a second to take any pictures so we'll have to take the hubs next time to get some good ones!
We tried on our new lifejacket for the lake this weekend...he wasn't so sure about that.
Hudson is really interested in feeding himself. He does get a lot in his mouth, but he keeps turning the spoon over so most of it goes on his bib before he gets it in his mouth. Notice the peas on his tray. I'm still trying my hardest to get him to eat some veggies. He just won't do it. Tonight, he was loving the rice that I gave him, so I got some rice on a spoon and put one pea mixed in. The first bite worked like a charm so I thought, well, this might actually work. Not so much. For every other bite, he ate all of the rice, and then just when you thought the pea had gone down, he spit just the pea out. It was hilarious (but frustrating at the same time!). I will keep trying!
Oh and we had a turkey in our back yard tonight! Exciting! See if you can find it in the picture below!
Mary Lynne won't do veggies either! I get so frustrated when I make her dinner and she wants nothing to do with anything on her plate (unless it's chicken nuggets). I keep trying but I feel like I keep wasting food too! Getting it in their mouth is one thing...but making them eat it is completely different! We have lots of "spitting out" episodes too. I keep telling myself it's a phase (I hope I'm not lying to myself :)